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Jo is sticking up for Mario, and Steve and Dave are ripping him to shreds.   Steve with his sarcastic grunts, and Dave saying he's so into loyalty, and he considered Mario to be one of his friends.  You pr1ck voted to get the guy out,  but nobody knows that yet, so why shouldn't he want you to go?  Steve has the gall to say she's talking bullsh1t. (after she left of course)  Well he's an expert on that isn't he?

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Exactly Tiddly
Dave thinks it is alright to deceive and betray and do double-dealing and bluffing - as long as he is the one who is doing it.
Since when did Dave truly believe that it should be loyalty and friendship which decides nominations?
Of course Mario has given away the fact that he had Steve as a likely evictee, which Steve won't forget.

Dave plotted for several days with John James.
They knew they Mario was their target.
Mario gets nominated, wins the S&R task and puts Dave in his place.
Then Dave has the gall to suggest this shouldn't be all about game-playing. He suggests that Mario should have considered loyalty and friendship.

So one set of values for Dave, and different values for everyone else?
So two-faced.  I hope his 'followers' are listening to the nasty man.


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