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Reference: Sky
Firstly, your "taking side" was the identical conclusion i was referring to - and secondly, that's what i mean.
So, if two people discuss politics and I agree with one of them, I am being biased?

If people have a problem with another person thinking it is OK to steal other people's property, and I agree with them, I am being biased?

If a housemate tells everyone that he is happy for the whole house to be punished, if he doesn't do a few push-ups, and I don't agree with him, I am being biased?

If a housemate has a very strange love/hate elationship and I think they are both as bad as each other, I am being biased?

Your post made no sense, in fact, or in linguistic terms, as I didn't come to identical conclusions and the 'it falls within the 'Major' rather than the 'Minor' category respectively. ' bit really had me stumped!
Reference: Kaytee
Lay off the Blizzie.....she's only defending her chosen HM, even if a lot of us don't like her(Josie not Blizzie). Ben has left the building...onwards and upwards people, forget Ben, he's history
Thanks, Kaytee.

I don't expect my dislike of Ben will be forgotten, or forgiven, soon, but I'm quite happy to carry on discussing him, if people want that!
Your post made no sense, in fact, or in linguistic terms, as I didn't come to identical conclusions and the 'it falls within the 'Major' rather than the 'Minor' category respectively. ' bit really had me stumped
OK, my answer to all your questions put forward, is simply no, not per se. 

I did say suggests a bias = possibilty.  
However, if your primary dislike for a person is for example; based on their beliefs, their 'class' etc, any predicament that said person could find themselves in, whether they are to be blamed or not - remains as "blame" where the biased person(s) are concerned. 

So, whether you found yourself agreeing mostly or less about a given situation, determines if you're "for" or "against" respectively.
Am sure that's reasonably simplified - unless you want to split hairs and play dumb to save face  put forward any more questions of enquiry. 
If you are seriously suggesting Blizzie is biased due to class you've just lost the argument Sky  

Everyone knows Blizzie is one of the fairest FM's on here.

Despite the fact she hates my fave.

Besides, you are overlooking the fact there is a POSSIBILITY Ben was simply in the wrong more often than he was in the right.
Right, so we can agree that I didn't refuse to see Ben's side of each argument, but judged each one on its own merits, and came to my own conclusion.

I didn't support any targetting of Ben, but happened to disagree with his a lot of his points and therefore supported the rights of any other housemate to question his stance on certain issues, or situations. In other situations, where I felt he hadn't done anything wrong, I was happy to defend his position, despite not liking him, as I have also done with other housemates I happen to dislike.

My primary dislike for Ben was his personality, nothing to do with his 'class'. I did have problems with his belief system, as I'm rather keen on keeping the vote and being able to change the government, every five years, or so. I also lost all respect for him, when he tried to defend his stance over the tasks, and his insistence that there was nothing wrong with him giving his punishment to Dave, or his stealing other people's property.

Oh, and I wasn't 'playing dumb'. It either made no sense at all, or I really am dumb!
 Oh gawd ,I went for a docs appointment and come back to this.....Firstly imo yes Ben was targeted but as others have said he's gone and I'm actually glad he's out of there....Some choose to see JJ was stating the obvious,well could the same be said of Sam?,is he stating the obvious or like JJ did targeting someone because he see's them as an easy target,I really hope this isn't the case ,I really do, but I do think as far as Sam and Josie go it's a mutual dislike pre-dating them going in the house nothing more or less.
Oh gawd ,I went for a docs appointment and come back to this.....Firstly imo yes Ben was targeted but as others have said he's gone and I'm actually glad he's out of there....Some choose to see JJ was stating the obvious,well could the same be said of Sam?,is he stating the obvious or like JJ did targeting someone because he see's them as an easy target,I really hope this isn't the case ,I really do, but I do think as far as Sam and Josie go it's a mutual dislike pre-dating them going in the house nothing more or less

so calling josie a fat slag is stating the obvious, well thats not obvious to me, can you please remind me what JJ did so wrong to Ben
Reference: BLIZZIE
I don't expect my dislike of Ben will be forgotten, or forgiven, soon, but I'm quite happy to carry on discussing him, if people want that!
tbh, I don't see the point of going on about an ex HM...once they're out, they're out. I supported him while he was part of the game, but he's gone now and best forgotten
Lee, you know I don't like John James, but his problems with Ben were over the effort he put into tasks and the fact that he gave his punishment to Dave. I happened to agree with him about that, and i think most neutral spectators would also agree, so it could be called stating the obvious.

Sam's abusive language and nastiness towards Josie, and, it seems, others, during the audition stages and lockdown, seem to be totally uncalled for and, therefore, I wouldn't put them into the same category, at all.

He just enjoys being nasty, which is why she has a problem with him, so it can't really just be described as a clash of personalities, IMO.

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