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I'd go mental if Jo were my friend and I found out she had been slating my bf & nominating him, on the grounds of it being in my interest.
I didn't mean that I thought that was her reason Ditty, she's been pretty open about her personal dislike for him with some hms, I don't know if she's told Josie what she thinks of him 'though?

We bet she's great to know in real life etc, but Jo seems to be a tad deluded about how much the public care about her.

Tonight, while chatting to Corin and Joe John, the latecomer talked about how fans will be interested in her cooking cock-ups, then suggested they'll be 'cracking up' over her inability to find the wine bottle during her recent secret task, before saying that her friends will query why she has paraded around half-naked. Er, when?

The fact is, before she came into the House Jo dubbed herself a 'cougar', suggesting that she's highly sexual, and also claimed to be a big flirt.

However, she has done very little over the past two weeks, and to be honest when she's speaking we tend to switch off mentally.

Fans obviously feel the same way about the 41-year-old make-up artist, seeing as she's on zero percent our 'Week 8 Fave' Poll, which asks who your favourite person is out-of the remaining eleven housemates.

In contrast, new boy Sam has 11%, Josie has 19%, Corin 24% and John James 30%. Everyone else has 5% or less.


Just putting this out there, but if you were in the house with JJ, trying hard to win a food budget task, and everyone is pulling thier weight...EXCEPT JJ...And to add insult to injury he's telling people to thier faces he doesn't give two fecks, he's being rude, on top of that he's spoiling for a fight with anyone he likes...I'd be pissed off with him too...And Jo is right IMO, when she says he's arrogant, spoilt, and selfish.
Senora Reyes
I like Jo.  In many ways, she is like Sam - gives her opinion to their face when asked.  She told John James and Josie that John James holds the cards, etc., but because of her age and experience was much more tactful than Sam.

Jo tries to sugar coat the truth.  No one in the house knows what is going on with Josie and John James because each of thm gives a different scenario.  Did they snog? (Joise says they did, John James says they didn't)  Both John James and Josie want to keep the public guessing (and by public I mean the tweenies and Barbara Cartland (?) readers) as it provides more interest and drama.
I am not fond of her either, and she thinks she is more attractive than she is.  IMO, she barely scrapes past a 4 out of 10 for looks; if I was a man, young OR old, I wouldn't give her a sideways glance, and I think it's hilarious that she tries to make everyone think that men fawn over her and want to shag  date her.  She thinks she is soooooo wise too, just because she is over 40.  Makes no difference what your age is; age does not always bring knowledge and wisdom. 

And those comments she made the other night saying 'I could never be a wife, having to do all this cooking and shit!'  LOL, chance would be a fine thing!   What makes Jo so SURE someone would want to marry her anyway?!  I doubt if she is single by choice!

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