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Yeah course we all do! (apart from those who are perfect of course ) Dunno about anyone else, but I get bored of whinging about it to myself and at some point do think enough is enough, I either eat the cake and the rest of Cadburys and shut up about the consequences or I try and do something about it! That one on the tele just bleats on and on!
I have a similar conversation with myself as I pour myself that next glass of wine and perhaps nibble on that chocolate bar..I know I will do something when I am ready. To be honest for me, it is more about exercise.

I am  lucky cos my best friend is similar to me so we just moan at each other and don't bore anyone else with it.
I like Josie...  but she has piled on the pounds, as a lot of them do when they are in there.   I get why...    stuck in the house all day I find myself grazing... and cos I have recently been unable to do a lot (cos of poorly arm) I was shocked at how quickly the weight went on.    

The jeans test gave me a wake up call though...   they suddenly felt tight & I panicked... and so am now moderating what I eat, and how much I eat.... and I have a new rule that I am not allowed to eat when on the interweb (that drastically reduces my calorie intake ).

I don't doubt that Josie will shed the extra weight when she leaves the house...  but I reckon she will always be a curvy 14-16...   which I think looks good on her.

Viva la difference n all that!
I used to have a Cadburys chocolate addiction...   which didn't affect my weight when the kids were younger (pushing prams & pushchairs on school runs & stuff)...   but then started to be a problem as they got older.   Twas a proper addiction too...  I craved the stuff.

Then someone on here...  gave choc up for lent, and the day she posted about it I did too.   Went through two weeks of horrible withdrawel... and now am free from the Cadbury's crack trap!  
don't doubt that Josie will shed the extra weight when she leaves the house
Ditty, if she comes on Gaga and sees all of the comments about her weight, she'll be getting a bloody gastric band fitted!  Yeah, she's a bit overweight but Jeezus, judging from what's written on here you'd think she was bleeding huuuuge

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