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He was in the DR the other night sweet and saud he was drunk on the Lord and Andrew said he's just a light weight, he's had 2 cans of lager..he's a total fake but it makes me wonder if his cult knows he the update thread for their new cult name they've only put one video of him in and that was the one before he entered the house....
I'm pretty sure he was supposed to have been a serious alki/druggie in his yoof - or maybe thats just his excuse for being a complete nutter?
The thing is, years ago I knew a recovering alcoholic, and he was told he couldn't even use aftershave ever again because  of the alcohol in it. So surely if he is recovering, a sniff of beer would be bad for him.
well I'm sure ur right Sezit - the loony couldnt have been that serious about his alkie problem - who knows?  If I was in there as a recovering alkie or ex-druggie I wouldnt want to be rolling around pissed on the Lord at a sniff of anything....
anyway - if you dont mind - I'm reciting my 'star spangled banner' with Irish undertones so as I dont get banned eh!
He did say he was a drug addict, I THINK I heard him say alcohol too...but I wouldn't  want to swear on it.  And like Blizzie I also heard him say he likes a can now and then.

However, I'm sure I read somewhere that the drugs he was "addicted" too were cannabis and LSD...I'm not arsed about having a massive debate about psychological addictions...BUT...someone tells you they were a "drug addict" and I bet the majority of us would presume summat like heroin...*

*Yes, I'm sure you, yes you right there would never do such a thing, because you once knew someone who was seriously addicted to St John's Wort or summat, fine, I'm not arguing with you.  I'm just saying most peoples stereotypes/perception/conclusions jumped to, yada yada yada.

(also this having to disclaimer every post is quite boring now. kthxbye!)
I can safely say that I would have been described as someone with a huge drink problem, from the age of 13, to about 22(ish). I hardly touch the stuff now. Much.
I find the whole "I was a bit of a caner" or "I used to be a bit of a pishhead" translated as *deadly serious* "I am an alcoholic" stuff a bit of a yank import, much like..."fries" and "cell phone"

But then I am a curmudgeonly auld shit.

And a pishhead.

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