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I think it's due to a couple of reasons;

1). He's too frightened to in case Sam comes out with stuff about him (as it's no secret now that Sam is a bit of a web Columbo and probably knows the ins and outs about all of them)

2.) Maybe he doesn't have the natural urge to play protector as his feelings are not on the same wavelength as Josies?
Reason 1 is very likely, although the others could have figured it out for themselves. No-one spends thousands of dollars and flies halfway round the world just to audition for a show they couldn't care less about. And once they're in, they sure don't spend all their time analysing their fellow HMs' motives for every eye-flick and gesture, or talk about how they're perceived 'in terms of the show'.

Reason 2 is the conclusion I'd have reached if I were her. I wouldn't stand idly by and watch someone I even vaguely liked getting nobbled, never mind someone I was allegedly 'close' to.
although the others could have figured it out for themselves.
Therein lies the problem. What Jo and Sam have offered the show is an injection of realism (and a nice breath of fresh air). Whereas all the others probably hurt their brain trying to figure everyone out while playing nicey nicey all over the place and being very careful in what they say, at least those 2 (from what I've seen) just say what most of us seem to think.
It's true that Jo and Sam have given them some perspective, but even so Joise must know she's kidding herself where JJ1's concerned. Or maybe she already knew and is happy to play along.
Wonder what JJ would do if someone chucked a glass of water over Josie, the way Grace did to Susie? Probably sit back and smirk. He sure wouldn't wade in, the way Aisleyne did, on behalf of someone she wasn't even that close to, but felt the need to defend against out-of-order behaviour.
Demantoid (Corin's Crib # 7) offline 10612 Forum Posts Today at 1:28 AM .. and thank god I'm not. But if I was, and my 'luvurrr' showed me as little support while watching me get wound up to within an inch of my life in there, I'd drop the bugger like a poo-covered stone. How can she think JJ1 gives a toss about her, when he not only doesn't stand up for her when Sam has a go, but actually DEFENDS the little shite? Bizarre..
Thank goodness I am not the only one who thinks this.

Where is the age of chivalry eh?  Gone
JJ has huge problems - has anyone else noticed his body language in the diary room? He very rarely ( if ever) looks at the camera. 
JJ does not like confrontation unless he knows he is going to win - so with Rachael and Sunshine it was easy.
He never took on Shabby because he knew she would make verbal mincemeat of him. It's the same with Sam. I detest Sam with a passion but he would slaughter JJ verbally in a fight.

JJ is a very sad individual I'm afraid. I think he is frightened of physical contact and frightened of commitment,
 I think Josie has got a huge romanticised version of him in her head... In fact I think they both have got caught up in their own showmance and believe they have feelings for each other which perhaps really do not exist. They may feel this way at the moment but. when they get out, they will find they have nothing in common and it will fizzle out before it has even begun.
JJ does not like confrontation unless he knows he is going to win
Nods.... and he's frightened of what Sam will come out with about him if he 'starts'
think he is frightened of physical contact and frightened of commitment,
Half nods: sexual not physical imo
I think Josie has got a huge romanticised version of him in her head.
Nods again. Also, Josie often reflects on things and wonders if she's over-reacted so, because he doesn't defend her she ends up thinking that she's got it out of perspective/it's just her. I really wish she'd distance herself from him, say okay let's cool it  in here and see what happens on the outside. If I shout this loud enough maybe she'll hear 'JOSIE HE DOESN'T FANCY YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE OVERWEIGHT, YOU WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG, PEOPLE LIKE JJ DO NOT FANCY PEOPLE LIKE YOU'
I don't think that it's just her weight, although that plays a huge part. She's really let herself go since she entered the house and isn't the well-dressed girl that she was then. Most blokes have double standards...they can slob around to their heart's content, but let a woman do it...and they don't like it. Josie is a lazy slob and it's showing
I can't fathom JJ out at all, he has such an odd attitude towards intimacy
Yeah, weird isn't it, not that I want to see them getting it on or talking about tommy tanks, BUT he just somehow seems asexual, describes sex as something that makes him feel better and wan't there something early on in the series about lasting 30 seconds and not liking bjs cos he thought them demeaning to women?
She's really let herself go since she entered the house and isn't the well-dressed girl that she was then. Most blokes have double standards...they can slob around to their heart's content, but let a woman do it...and they don't like it. Josie is a lazy slob and it's showing
Mmmm, not sure, BUT imo even if she was springing around full of life and dolled up to the nines every day, I still don't think he'd fancy her....(she really does need to sort out those roots though!)
Yeah, weird isn't it, not that I want to see them getting it on or talking about tommy tanks, BUT he just somehow seems asexual, describes sex as something that makes him feel better and wan't there something early on in the series about lasting 30 seconds and not liking bjs cos he thought them demeaning to women?
Yes, apparently his mates call him 30 seconds too.
Kaytee offline LiveCloud VIP Membership 15,418 Forum Posts Today at 11:52 AM Last Edited: Reference: 'JOSIE HE DOESN'T FANCY YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE OVERWEIGHT, YOU WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG, PEOPLE LIKE JJ DO NOT FANCY PEOPLE LIKE YOU' I don't think that it's just her weight, although that plays a huge part. She's really let herself go since she entered the house and isn't the well-dressed girl that she was then. Most blokes have double standards...they can slob around to their heart's content, but let a woman do it...and they don't like it. Josie is a lazy slob and it's showing
She's admitted herself that she is lazy and boy is it showing lately.  I think she needs to pull herself together, and make herself look halfway decent instead of the slob that she is looking.  Sorry, but that is how she is coming across.  JJ is no better, but somehow he doesn't look quite as bad as her and at least leaves the duvet on the bed!

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