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I would have used the word tragic myself
TBH it would have been far more tragic if someone had Won    who claimed that they'd hardly ever watched the show and only entered because their agent thought it might be a good idea.

Say what you will ..............Josie and JJ are genuine fans of BB (like quite a few others in there) - a person who at least has an interest in BB deserves to be in with a chance IMO
Soozy Woo
Reference: col
and in the meantime nobody but this boring pair gets a look in.
but sam is assisting in that........with his digs at the pair of them he's just focusing more attention on them.........the editor is going to say.....'cut from the garden where corin is having a ciggie' to.......'sam is digging at josie in the bedroom.....focus on that'...the more sam focuses on josie and john james...the more airtime they'll get

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