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Maybe Corin didnt want it, who knows. She has played a blinder, maybe seeing her would make her crack. Plus i think she would flirt with JJ2 but JJ1 has stopped that, he wants the only "romance " in there, JJ2 said her boobs were too big, now i am old and i have never, ever heard a man saying that !!!!! JJ1 put it in his head, of course , and JJ2 followed....
I don't think the 'relationship' was in any way serious. The very fact that she said that her next relationship would probably have been with a man . would hardly instill your lesbian lover with confidence would it? Personally ...........I think the whole lesbian vibe was simply put out to make her more interesting get her into the house.

WHERE IS RACHEL? ....................Does she even exist?
Soozy Woo
 i think she would flirt with JJ2 but JJ1 has stopped that, he wants the only "romance " in there, JJ2 said her boobs were too big, now i am old and i have never, ever heard a man saying that !!!!! JJ1 put it in his head, of course , and JJ2 followed....
 He doesn't like Corin, out of them all he is the one who knows which ones are liked on the outside. Did't the little sh$t bag object to Ben talking about Josie's little tops, I can't stand the monkey face he is full of it.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
In her profile she says shes putting her relationship on hold while shes in the house which suggests its not that strong......or its a cunning way of leaving her open to showmance for maximum coverage and deals.

She would like her next relationship to be with a man.Dont think JJ fancies her or that shes his type.John James thinks shes really hot and if things had been different ......
I dont get this? I think Corin is dead funny....But that has nothing to do with her sexuality
I agree she is really funny ............I'm just saying that in order to get into the BB house you have to give it a little bit more. Did Corin maybe give herself a bit of added  interest to get there. Where the hell is Rachel? Does she exist?
Soozy Woo
Reference Monobrow Today at 22:30:
 Oh, I don't know...She don't seem to fussed about her other half (real or fake)
Oh, I don't think there's any doubt that she has a girlfriend - her partner's even been interviewed by the Star.

As others have said, Corin has suggested several times in the house that the relationship might be on the rocks.

This is from her official profile (i.e. before she entered the house):
"Corin may put her relationship with her girlfriend on hold whilst she's in the house so she doesn't have to worry about her behaviour. If she thought she could get away with cheating, she would do so with a man and thinks her next relationship will be with a guy, not a girl."

Doesn't really suggest a happy relationship, does it?
Eugene's Lair
This is from her official profile (i.e. before she entered the house): "Corin may put her relationship with her girlfriend on hold whilst she's in the house so she doesn't have to worry about her behaviour. If she thought she could get away with cheating, she would do so with a man and thinks her next relationship will be with a guy, not a girl." Doesn't really suggest a happy relationship, does it?
TBH .........................either finish the relationship or commit say it's on hold while you
do the BB experience is very disingenuous(sp) in my eyes.A relationship is a relationship be it gay or straight ...............Corin has gone down in my estimation TBH.
Soozy Woo

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