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But there are a few HMs who grate on me............

the new guy (Sam) is utterly annoying and I wish they had got the big buff black dude in, or the pretty blonde.

Andrew annoys me coz he thinks he is better than anyone else and he is boring.

Steve gives me the creeps and he's a slimeball; you're married FFS!

Dave is proper pi$$ing me off with his obsession with exercise and losing weight: he may have lost a stone, but he does NOT look good enuff to go round half naked, showing off his belly.  And as for the 'drunk on GOD' crap.   PURLEEEZE!

Rachel annoys me; her voice is annoying and she just irritates me; don't know why!

Loving John James and Josie.  JJ is gorgeous, Corinne is sweet, I'm sad Ben has gone, glad Keeva went, sorry Shabs went, and I hated that foul little bimbo Keeley who looked WAAAAAY older than 29!

The woman who calls herself a cougar is annoying.  Grow up woman and find someone your own age!
Mario is the most annoying HM EVER!!!  Hissy fits, bitchy, boring, childish; gives gay men a bad name!

If there is anymore HMs, they are obviously not that important coz I can't remember them.
That's my rant!  Love it or loathe it; sup to you! 

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Unfortunately, I had high hopes that the last BB would be something spectacular. Instead it has been one of the worse BB's and that is down to laziness and lack of imagination from the production team.  They have run out of ideas and instead have given us Josie, JJ and the Duvet and insulted our intelligence thinking that this is all we want to see in the last BB ever.  Shame on them.
It's been a very bad (final) year, full of shouty angry people either auditioning for future roles or fanning their egos. Whereas I used to make a point to catch the HLs in past series, I've not been fussed about missing loads this year. I'm aware that the very nature of the programme and format attracts wannabes, but this bunch have to be the most contrived collection yet!
Reference: LL
Unfortunately, I had high hopes that the last BB would be something spectacular. Instead it has been one of the worse BB's and that is down to laziness and lack of imagination from the production team. They have run out of ideas and instead have given us Josie, JJ and the Duvet and insulted our intelligence thinking that this is all we want to see in the last BB ever. Shame on them.
Spot on LL
I think some of the tasks have been great - the ignore the obvious being a favourite of mine.  The housemates, though, have been dire.

After all these years of fake romances, why are we bombarded with the JJJ show?  And Rachel who so wanted to be part of a romance, and Mario who wanted to be part of the first gay BB romance.

The only housemate in there who is really enjoying the experience is Corin.
.I've missed a few episodes this year and am not bothered by it
me too

and i am usually an "all or nothing" type of girl (didnt watch it at all last year for the first time ever and wasnt gonna both this year either) but stupidly i watched the opening night and thought "here goes my summer"

i am really surprised that i am not bothered when i miss one, it started out looking good but i do think it has turned into a damp squib
Its one of the best BB's ever for me.   Last year was my worst BB...  not one HM I liked! 

Have only missed one HL's show... and managed to catch up on that the next day.  I bought & watch LF (though cos its online, less than I would if it was on the telly - that would be the only improvement I could wish for... LF on telly).

No unwatchable HM's, good tasks, the HM's are up and about til late at night, no kitchen dictator (anymore).

I've laughed loads at this years BB.

I also like the new style of production they have for the HL's show.
After all these years of fake romances, why are we bombarded with the JJJ show?  And Rachel who so wanted to be part of a romance, and Mario who wanted to be part of the first gay BB romance. The only housemate in there who is really enjoying the experience is Corin.
Who now wants a 'romance' with JJ2
I've definitely watched less than ever: initially largely, but not solely, 'cos the Shabby show annoyed me and Sunshine did my head in, more recently 'cos every time I switched on it was all about Josie and JJ's duvet action/inaction...but I do think that the ignore task was one of the best ever, think that with one or two exceptions the right people have gone/stayed and I'm really looking forward to the grand finale with the ex housemates
I think its been one of the best cos i've laughed alot! almost every night bb have made me laugh weather it's through the tree of temptation or chats in the dr with hm. BB seems to have found that sense of humour that they misplaced a few years ago now.

Keep the giggles comin BB!! might bring on labour which would be brilliant!!
Depends who goes in for me Ditty, but I'm hoping for good thing
do you not know?

was that list I read not confirmed?

If it was the list I read on here... then I won't be watching.

there is one ex housemate that would persuade me to watch though...  if Rex was in there, then I would even break my Charley Uchea embargo (I will not read anything with that girl in it, I change channel whenever she is on my screen... I hates her I do! )

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