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Former Member
No ,I was like some demented idiot.There is no SECRET!!


Mario asked housemates to leave him alone this evening after expressing frustration with his role in the Big Brother house.

He became upset during a quiz which Ben and Jo had prepared for housemates, and stormed off to the Diary Room after feeling that the quiz was fixed.

When he left the Diary Room a short while later the waiting housemates cheered him, but he immediately went into the bedroom and asked Rachel to go away when she followed him in.

Eventually John James came in and convinced Mario to talk about what had upset him.

"Everything in this place is artificial," Mario told him. "Maybe I'm the artificial one."

He then went on to warn John James that there wasn't a big secret about him like he had claimed in the first few weeks, before admitting that he feels like he has no role in the house.

"I was the random mistake of being picked out," Mario claimed.

John James suggested that maybe Mario felt like that because everyone he had become close to in the house had been evicted, using Sunshine, Nathan and Ife as examples.

"He's got a different role now too," John James said when the conversation turned to Mario's former best friend Ben.

"He's the player!" Mario exclaimed.

Mario finally told John James that he wasn't sure how to express his irritation towards other housemates about their approach to this week's task.

He said that he felt like he would just get angry at the others and suggested that leaving the house may be the only way to avoid a confrontation.

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Never mind Erin i liked him at first too. As for the secret knew it was bullshine, as there not a sniff about him in the media. Mario is an attention seeking disloyal little toad, and he can't handle the fact there are bigger characters in the hosue than him. I do also feel he's sexually frustated. If he walked I wouldn't miss him.
Senora Reyes
He is indeed passionate about Big Brother.
He is still my favourite housemate though.
There is no need for him to consider leaving in order to avoid confrontation, because he has on a number of occasions shown how good he is at avoiding confrontation. It is presumably just a passing mood.
Hang on Mario. (The others may never be as passionate about BB as Mario is.)
I knew Ben would be dragged into their conversation somehow
As for the 'secret' thing Erin - I indeed did a lot of my own 'research' and found a Marion Guilfoyle (or whatever the name was) living in Saaaaarfend on Sea.... thought Mario might be a woman, also might have thought that Mario n Keever brother n sister.... also thought that Ben might be Marios boyfriend, also crossed my mind that Mario might be part of the Mario Bros Inc (or whatever) lol - dont feel the shame
What an idiot.

Mario not you Erinp

Mario frustrates the hell out of me! He could have been a great housmate (maybe ) if he'd have just been himself..... but he holds back in fear of being disliked by the viewers.

I like a housemates that are fearless. They may not always be the most popular..... but at least they do what they are there to do.

*tries to forget the fearless ones she hated*
I knew Ben would be dragged into their conversation somehow As for the 'secret' thing Erin - I indeed did a lot of my own 'research' and found a Marion Guilfoyle (or whatever the name was) living in Saaaaarfend on Sea.... thought Mario might be a woman, also might have thought that Mario n Keever brother n sister.... also thought that Ben might be Marios boyfriend, also crossed my mind that Mario might be part of the Mario Bros Inc (or whatever) lol - dont feel the shame

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