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Reference: Blizzie
I can't see why people think he's a 'nice' personality.
It's amazing what you can get away with when you speak in a nice voice.

I don't see Ben as "nice" either. If he goes this weekend it will because he deserves to go and no other reason. In a four way vote the opinions of one group of "fans" has very little sway. This is a real unpopularity contest in the purest sense.

I can't wait to find out who goes As long as it's Dave or Ben (which looks likely) I'll be happy.
Examples of JJJ fans angry at Ben for taking the piss out of Crab Eyes and Josie for being in a permanent vegetative state in bed since initialising their showmance: i hate ben. shut up. you jealous ninconpoop. i love johnJames and Josie. just shush you gay little hoe. He such a dufus. Totally disagree with ben, this is almost as romantic as twilight - loving it Your just jealous ben coz it's not you under the covers with anyone Convincing arguments.
Speaks volumes.
Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ offline 6,831 Forum Posts Today at 8:23 PM Last Edited: Reference: I don't think it is helping Ben's cause that he is criticising JJJ No it's not helping, but, it's bleeding hilarious! If JJJ fans vote him out for taking the piss out of Crab Eyes then he can hold his head up high and utter the words "worth it!"

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