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Is it what they do in the House......or what they didn't do out of it?

I tend to base my preferences on what I see of a HM in the House....not terribly interested in what they did before - it is a game show and we all live and learn. 

Are we judging the person's performance as a HM or the way they live their lives when we decide who our favorites are?  Is it a gameshow or something else to us? What is fair game to comment on and what isn't?  

What makes BB so compelling ......and does anyone have any spare wine?  I'm both interested and sitting with an empty glass.

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A good housemate should be able to:

1. Fake leave the house, but then return immediately.
2. Be verbally aggressive to almost every female housemate.
3. Dominate long periods of air time with under-the-duvet whispering.
4. Drag women across the floor leaving them with friction burns.
5. Make female housemates cry.

Most importantly to be a good housemate you have to be well fit innit.
I've only ever based it on what they do in the house in other series, I remember being baffled why someone said they'd gone off Pete coz they found out he was into fetish clubs.

I base my dislike on Dave mostly on what he's like in the house...which I don't like and didn't like...when I saw the other stuff it made me dislike him more...I guess it may not have added to it unless it had hit a nerve. Which it did.
Leccy thank you for replying to my questions ... I am genuinely interested....I do see BB as a gameshow and it's all about how they play the game for me, but I am interested in others' points of view.
I would have agreed with you for every single series bar this one   To be fair (to myself ) I DID dislike Dave anyway...this is just like the hate-cherry on top of my already loathe filled and intolerantly iced cake.
Hoochie Hallo!
In past years , and for the most part this year, it's what people do/ how people are in the house for me. This year though ( and I'm getting to the  stage about it!) Dave's really rattled my cage ! I think if I wasn't aware of some of his activities outwith the house , I'd probably just see him as a mildly annoying " you don't have to be mad to work here but it helps" look -how-zany-I-am type, but  my views are really coloured by some of the interwebby stuff that's out there and I find myself shouting at the telly when he slimes into view ( well I did till I stopped watching!) . Thing is , he probably is a fairly "good" housemate in that he can be funny at times, and is playing the game pretty well.. but I can't get past the outside info!

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