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The tweenies have a facebook/twitter campaign to vote Ben out. They say he is "boring". Presumably because he doesn't cry, he doesn't pretend to leave, he doesn't make women cry, he doesn't spend most his time under the quilt with Josie pretending to have an showmance, and most of all he isn't "well fit innit".
nah he is just boring
He may be fat and fraudulent but ........he doesn't pout, preen, moan and bitch like Ben ........i really don't find it entertaining at all TBH. Ben is a prize BORE!

Oh he certainly is fat, fraudulent and he moans and bitches with the best of them. As for preening, well disgusting Dave has been doing quite a bit of that lately since he's lost all that lard and become an Adonis (in his mind) so your comparisons regardint that don't hold up. Your opinion on Ben being a prize bore is your opinion which you are entitled to,  but in my book I'd rather have a bore (which I don't think Ben is by the way) than a fraudulent nasty, despicable man like Dave.
If anyone is a member over at TIBB (to my surprise I found I was, I joined everything when we were in a panic over the move from C4) or on Facebook then please go on to those and rally support. There is a Ben support group on both.  Dave must go, Ben must stay.  Can you imagine that house without Ben if they show much more of JJ and Josie snuggling under the duvet I shall chuck something at my telly and I can't afford to replace it
I only watch the HL show Squiggle, and if Ben goes I probably won't bother to watch.

Same here LL  and I've even stopped watching the HL recently, couldn't take the JJ & Josie show anymore. The BB producers have slapped us in the face with their coverage of the detestable pair. They show little or nothing of the other hm's, its disgraceful
Reference: Fairfax
Same here LL and I've even stopped watching the HL recently, couldn't take the JJ & Josie show anymore. The BB producers have slapped us in the face with their coverage of the detestable pair. They show little or nothing of the other hm's, its disgraceful
I hardly watch LF any more and I haven't watched the HL's show since Friday.
I don't want to watch the JJJ fauxmance and it is making me switch off.
Same here LL  and I've even stopped watching the HL recently, couldn't take the JJ & Josie show anymore. The BB producers have slapped us in the face with their coverage of the detestable pair. They show little or nothing of the other hm's, its disgraceful

I have not watched must of this series apart f rom 3 mornings this week. I knew about their relationship and after watching this week I have come to the conclusion that:

1. Josie is a control freak and bunny boiler. JJ has realised this and fears for his life, hence his really earnest declaration in the Diary room that he has "never been happier", then burying his head in his knees to ask God to strike him down for being such a little liar and weeping bitterly at his dilemma.

2. Josie knows she has got him by the short and curlies and plays the limpet game with him the moment he struggles to come up for air. Any man in the outside world watching this will be walking slowly back out of the room if she were in it, believe me.She has lost this game and so has she.

3. John James is a nasty pasty as we saw from the start, he had a flash of it hurling the very FIERCE flowers across the garden when he lost the SAR task. Terwatt He thought he could flirt with and wind up this girl so much so that she fell for him and he moans to others that he's not really "into" her and doesn't want to hurt her feelings. TOUGH T*T I think there John James, you are a cad. I hope a shudder went through you when she accosted you in that wedding dress because watch out,  you won't get rid of her THAT easily MATE!
Rev. Dim Dale
I fail to see why this should be? Ben and his auto-erotic hair are essential to the well being of the series, well for just now anyway! Mr Monk (he of the couch bitching) is not a nice person and if he is a man of the cloth (about as much as me I'd say) then he should be bloody ashamed of himself. He's vain as well, not a good look in any man.
Rev. Dim Dale
noseyrosie #28 C.C. offline 2,724 Forum Posts Today at 1:25 PM Last Edited: I'm astonished too, LL The bigbrotheronline poll is supposed to be the most influential / an accurate predictor of evictions.They have: Ben at 34% Dave 31% It could help if as many as possible please vote for Dave there, the link is:
That's quite close, so maybe there is a chance to turn it around
As the media have little or no interest in BB. Dave's sins will not find him out, unless he actually wins the game, which he won't.
Ben has become boring to watch lately and he is a 'big hitter' in the show and very popular on here, but the forums don't represent the GBP and those who only vote on Fridays may find his lack of enthusiasm for tasks etc a waste of an HM and want him to go. On the other hand,Dave has played the game well so far, even if he is repulsive so I think the vote will be very close with Ben leaving...unless a spurt of late betting on Andrew to go skews the entire thing

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