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Years ago I worked with a girl, probably about 10 years ago. We were never very good friends but we got on ok, anyways, this girl is the kind of person who's not happy unless she has an axe to grind. The kind of person who thinks the world owes them a living....

A couple of years ago she was looking to move house and was looking for somewhere to rent, so I put a word in with my next door neighbour who was going to rent hers out,  she got the newly decorated house....I instantly regretted it as I knew from the past she'd left lots of properties without paying bills etc....EVERYWHERE she has lived, the neighbours are always a problem...never her fault for being stuck up her own arse, you get the kind of person I mean.....

There's been abit of trouble in the last couple of months, parking wars etc, not just with me but with others in the Street, and I haven't spoken to her after she started slagging my Sister off on Facebook and we had a huge row, I told her a few home truths and to get a life instead of being such a miserable cow ALL the time, lol....

...she's now done a flit and left lots of unpaid bills and the place in shit....I feel kind of responsible as I was the one who put a word in for her to get her the house in the first place, I'm furious she could do that to the Lady who owns the house (a friend of mine), and also to me....yes, we had a fall out but still, i'd never have done that as I feel it reflects on me.... dilema is, should I pass her new address on to the numerous debt collectors that keep ringing MY house...yes, they've even gone to the trouble of ringing the neighbours!!!!!

What would you do? Help.....I won't do anything behind her back, I'll tell her exactly who's passed her details on.....I just can't believe what she has done....

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I wouldn't hesitate in grassing her up....I'm done with taking flak for ungrateful and undeserving people. I don't care what that makes me, it makes me have peace of mind and a happy home and family life when I don't find myself in the middle of a drama I didn't create in the first place.
So in short, DiDs what I would do is pass on all her relevant info. to whoever needs to know
I'm furious suzy, when she first got the house, not a word of thanks, nothing.....she's just not a nice person and TBH, the row I had with her had been brewing for a long, long time.....the garden is a tip, she hasn't put the gates back on the front and within days of moving in the brand new carpet was ruined.....I didn't think she could afford to lose her bond but I guess she wouldn't have gotten that back anyway due to the filthy mess the house is left in.....

...I know roughly where she has moved to so am going to drive round and get the address....I just cannot believe she would do this.....and yes, I think I shall pass her details on.....she's had no respect for me or the Landlady, so why should I give a shit about her and her miserable life....
The Devil In Diamante
Forward her name and address details to the Debt collectors, she is a direspectful Bitch, you owe her nothing.
I think I will Senora As you say, I owe her nothing and she's left me feeling abit responsible.....what a bitch.....I'm glad that you and suzy agree I shoold pass her details on as it's not the kind of thing I would usually consider, but after the way she has been and the state she's left the property in, i feel I have no choice....
The Devil In Diamante
Why the hell are debt collectors ringing your house?  Your not responsible for anything she does unless she's fraudulently signed your name as a guarantor for something 

I feel for your friend who rented her the house but unfortunately that's the risk you take when you rent your property    not that using letting agencies makes you immune either.  As for passing her details on, I wouldn't have any hesitation in doing so as she's hardly been a friend knowing you recommended her.  However, make it clear you have nothing to do with this woman and you don't want to be disturbed about it again.

Now listen to Aunty Pengy and learn from this.  If you're honest with yourself you knew she had a history of this and probably shouldn't have recommended her in the first place which is why you feel so guilty.  When that warning bells sounds in your head again - listen to it  internal warnings like this sound for a reason.  All that's happened is this woman had you as a friend longer than she deserved 
Now listen to Aunty Pengy and learn from this. If you're honest with yourself you knew she had a history of this and probably shouldn't have recommended her in the first place which is why you feel so guilty. When that warning bells sounds in your head again - listen to it internal warnings like this sound for a reason. All that's happened is this woman had you as a friend longer than she deserved
I hear you loud and clear Aunty Pengy You are right, I do feel guilty because I recommended her, I did have my reservations but didn't think she would do this to lives and learns eh!!!!

The debt collectors have gone to alot of trouble to keep ringing my house haven't they, I can only assume that they have been sending the letters back to them....I warned her the other month about the phone calls, and hey they go.....hell hath no fury and all that.....lesson learned....
The Devil In Diamante
dunno about passing her name on, they'll find her themselves soon enough and you won't have to feel bad about it.
That's the thing jacksonb...I WON'T feel you think she feels bad for what she's done??? Doubt it....she's been a nightmare neightbour, truly she has, and has managed to upset most of the neighbours...especially with the parking thing as we all respect each other in this street and  there's NEVER been problems before she tipped up......

That's a great idea to offer to help to clean the house up...I'll do that...
The Devil In Diamante
Great idea from Jacko B about helping your neighbour clean up the house  It will make you feel better DiDs and also make future relations with the neighbour easier.
I had something similar a few years back. I had a party and 2 of my friends (that had never met before) got on really well and ended up seeing each other. Everything was peachy for the first 6 months and then he became a real arse to her. All of a sudden it's all my fault that she'd met him (like I had pimped her off ) and she tried to make me the go-between when they broke up to retrieve her stuff from him. He was constantly complaining to me about her being a psycho!! I told them both to take a running jump and stop making me the cause of all their worries. I stopped speaking to her for ages, and my husband told him to grow a pair 

Rant over!!!! And breathe through the nose and out through the mouth arrrhhhhh 

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