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Poor Mario.
He either is really sleeping or putting on a good act of pretending to sleep.
Or he is trying very hard to nod off (he said earlier he wanted to sleep and not hear talking until the middle of the night.
BUT poor Mario is lumbered with Rachel and Dave.
For some strange reason both Dave and Rachel (2 of the loudest night-time people) have invaded his bed.
Mario started in the middle, but has escaped to the edge. But just behind him are Rachel and Dave in full flow.
Poor chap!

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Zippy offline 328 Forum Posts Today at 7:55 AM Last Edited: Reference: Dave and Rachel (2 of the loudest night-time people) so inconsiderate .... what beats me is, why don't those who want to stay up chatting until all hours go into the living area ? .... what would be wrong with that ? ..... so bloody inconsiderate
It's because they are so bloody inconsiderate that it wouldn't occur to them to do that.  Selfish buggers.

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