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Reference: Maths
Just to clear up what seems like a massive misconception. Laura wasn't being nasty when she told Josie this information. It was in a conversation between Josie, Laura and Rachel at the smoking area in the garden. It was shown on LF. The three of them were discussing the relationship between Josie and JJ, and Laura happened to mention what JJ had said in the diary room, and how he kept contradicting himself. Laura then went on to say that she thinks JJ does have a thing for Josie. If anything, Laura is pro Josie/JJ. I just think she is a bit dippy and didn't think before she divulged diary room information. There was nothing nasty about it as far as I'm concerned.
She shouldn`t have "happened to mention" anything. She`s in the house for 5 minutes and spouting off about things said in DR. Wrong! 
Who cares if Laura is pro Josie/JJ? That`s got nothing to do with it. She should have kept her mouth shut. It`s none of her business.
I don`t think she was being nasty either but she made a big mistake saying what she did. Dippy doesn`t excuse it imo.
It`s totally out of order for any newbie to enter the house and divulge info that they`ve seen on the outside. It spoils "the game"   
I`ve watched her on LF today and she does have a tendency to say too much but I`ll give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe it`s because she`s just in there and trying too hard to ingratiate herself.
She shouldn`t have "happened to mention" anything. She`s in the house for 5 minutes and spouting off about things said in DR. Wrong!  Who cares if Laura is pro Josie/JJ? That`s got nothing to do with it. She should have kept her mouth shut. It`s none of her business. I don`t think she was being nasty either but she made a big mistake saying what she did. Dippy doesn`t excuse it imo. It`s totally out of order for any newbie to enter the house and divulge info that they`ve seen on the outside. It spoils "the game"    I`ve watched her on LF today and she does have a tendency to say too much
I have to say I agree Scotty. Didn't there used to be a rule that they were not allowed to say anything about what they had seen..... that seems to have gone out of the window, along with lots of other rules...!
Scotty (Corin`s Cribette #5) offline 14,170 Forum Posts Today at 12:40 PM Last Edited: Reference: Maths Just to clear up what seems like a massive misconception. Laura wasn't being nasty when she told Josie this information. It was in a conversation between Josie, Laura and Rachel at the smoking area in the garden. It was shown on LF. The three of them were discussing the relationship between Josie and JJ, and Laura happened to mention what JJ had said in the diary room, and how he kept contradicting himself. Laura then went on to say that she thinks JJ does have a thing for Josie. If anything, Laura is pro Josie/JJ. I just think she is a bit dippy and didn't think before she divulged diary room information. There was nothing nasty about it as far as I'm concerned. She shouldn`t have "happened to mention" anything. She`s in the house for 5 minutes and spouting off about things said in DR. Wrong! Who cares if Laura is pro Josie/JJ? That`s got nothing to do with it. She should have kept her mouth shut. It`s none of her business. I don`t think she was being nasty either but she made a big mistake saying what she did. Dippy doesn`t excuse it imo. It`s totally out of order for any newbie to enter the house and divulge info that they`ve seen on the outside. It spoils "the game" I`ve watched her on LF today and she does have a tendency to say too much but I`ll give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe it`s because she`s just in there and trying too hard to ingratiate herself.
Totally agree Scotty.
Reference: Baz
Didn't there used to be a rule that they were not allowed to say anything about what they had seen..... that seems to have gone out of the window, along with lots of other rules...!
Baz   Exactly. They`re told before they go in that they can`t talk about what they`ve seen. I`m baffled that they "seemingly" forget this. Laura did as soon as she entered the house. Dippy? Who knows?
BB need to sort it out though.
She shouldn`t have "happened to mention" anything. She`s in the house for 5 minutes and spouting off about things said in DR. Wrong!  Who cares if Laura is pro Josie/JJ? That`s got nothing to do with it. She should have kept her mouth shut. It`s none of her business. I don`t think she was being nasty either but she made a big mistake saying what she did. Dippy doesn`t excuse it imo. It`s totally out of order for any newbie to enter the house and divulge info that they`ve seen on the outside. It spoils "the game"    I`ve watched her on LF today and she does have a tendency to say too much but I`ll give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe it`s because she`s just in there and trying too hard to ingratiate herself.

I can mostly agree with that. The misconception is that she did it to be nasty. That wasn't the case, so I stick to my previous point.
Reference Baz... Today at 13:45:
Didn't there used to be a rule that they were not allowed to say anything about what they had seen..... that seems to have gone out of the window, along with lots of other rules...!
The problem, and why I have some sympathy for the new HMs, is that BB got them to name both their favourite HM and who they are most likely to nominate for their VTs shown to the HMs on Friday. By definition, such information would inform the HMs about what has been seen on the outside and what perceptions have been made by the public. The way in which Steve has clearly been affected by Joel's comments (to the extent that he's talking about leaving) shows  just how important this sort of information can be.
It's a bit rich for BB to then complain about the newcomers discussing what they've seen on the outside, after they've made them do so...
Eugene's Lair

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