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suzybean (Corin Crib) offline 4,640 Forum Posts Today at 6:05 PM Last Edited: Reference:LL Now you see I can understand where JJ is coming from. It is all good and well being happy all day, but sometimes you need to reign it in for certain situations. Like what in the BB house? Has there been a Memorial Service or something in there?
cologne (Ben's buddy no. 22) offline 6,019 Forum Posts Today at 6:36 PM Last Edited: Reference: Now you see I can understand where JJ is coming from. It is all good and well being happy all day, but sometimes you need to reign it in for certain situations. There are no serious situation in the house. He wants to be Mr.Grump and she wants to make the most of her experience. He's quite duplicitous anyway. If he was really into the team spirit, he'd give the others a rest at night instead of the constant yakking.
I didn't say serious situations, I said certain situations.  Nothing is worse then when you are feeling under the weather, missing your family or just a bit down in the dumps and then along comes some happy bunny singing all the time and dancing around the place.  Nothing wrong with being happy and trying to cheer people up, but sometimes you have to have some thought for others, because not everyone feels like Mrs Sunshine all the time.

Just my take on it like
I didn't say serious situations, I said certain situations.  Nothing is worse then when you are feeling under the weather, missing your family or just a bit down in the dumps and then along comes some happy bunny singing all the time and dancing around the place.  Nothing wrong with being happy and trying to cheer people up, but sometimes you have to have some thought for others, because not everyone feels like Mrs Sunshine all the time. Just my take on it like
Oh! I get you now. Like when, for example, someone is in tears or at the end of their tether and the last thing they need is someone in their face rehashing the same old blah blah over and over again. Like JJ  But someone with a sunny disposition is the last thing you'd need 
Kaytee offline LiveCloud VIP Membership 14,656 Forum Posts Today at 7:40 PM Last Edited: Corin is lovely, but I don't think I could put up with her 24/7. I like my peace and quiet, which is why I could never consider doing something like BB..but as long as she's happy in there, that's all that matters
Don't get me wrong, she is a nice person, but like you I couldn't put up with her 24/7.  Mind you I couldn't put up with any of them 24/7
if I was away on me hols I'd be at the bar with Corin having a gas and a laugh and avoiding the ranting angry Aussie at all costs
 Definitely Suze...I imagine she'd be willing to take part in all the fun filled antics while he'd be sat scowling under a cap....Gawd imagine if kids splashed him or accidently kicked sand over him.

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