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as a ben buddie im happy for you to ignore me from now on soozy and i will you.

seriously you need to get over the fact that Ben has gone and that other fms dont like him, there is no point fighting with each other its a game show fgs, its getting a bit pathetic now, fms reporting others for making jokes in a thread is just ridiculous
omg i'm terrified of pigeons and wasps  and bee;s   i think i would have jumped too
If Ben is actually terrified by balloons (iknow some people are) I'll stand corrected. His reaction was more irritated than terrified though wasn't it? Being that it was a task re the food budget ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I really would have thought he might have made an effort! then again - that's Ben for you.
Soozy Woo
I agree that was confusing - althiugh Mario was forced to ignore his grandad and Corin ignored the custard tarts, It would/will be interesting to see where the fails occurred.
Acording to BB rules, neither Corin or Mario had to ignore - they were just too confused to realise.  Which means Ben didn't fail - no one failed anything once they got into the DR.

I'm probably wrong though.

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