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Former Member
Telling Ben they have just heard a shout saying get quiff head out!   All said with his usual smirk and fake laugh.    He really is obsessed with Ben isn't he?        ( I am NOT a Ben fan at all, but that crab eyed little git has a very serious problem with EVERYBODY in there, now we are being granted his opinions as to who he thinks is going from week to week). Wish he'd shuttup cos all he says is wekkwekkwekkwekk!

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Of all Crab Boy's targets, Ben has been the one he's had most problems getting evicted, although his wish will finally come true tonight.  Ben has fought the good fight throughout, refusing to kiss Crab Boy's arse.  Ben is probably the only individual left in there and he can be proud of that when he leaves to the boo'ing Crab Boy sycophants who lack the brain power to understand what a fantastic housemate Ben has been.
Of all Crab Boy's targets, Ben has been the one he's had most problems getting evicted, although his wish will finally come true tonight. Ben has fought the good fight throughout, refusing to kiss Crab Boy's arse. Ben is probably the only individual left in there and he can be proud of that when he leaves to the boo'ing Crab Boy sycophants who lack the brain power to understand what a fantastic housemate Ben has been.

What a good post.  Could not agree more.  If Ben leaves tonight then so be it.  He WILL be better off out of there and away from them!!!
I really don't understand the animosity of John James to Ben.  Is it down to jealousy because Ben is better spoken, better educated, more funny, less aggressive, and just more likable as a person?  John James has the girl of his dreams (apparently) and should be happy in the glow of his romance, so why all the venom?

That's what I don't understand - when I first fell in love with my husband, I saw the world through rose tinted glasses and thoguht everyone and everything was fantastic - where is that kind of feeling with John James?
I have TS1 and 2 Suze, is the next one really really sad?

Yeah  That whole growing up thing tugged at my heart strings (don't want to spoil it for you, it's really good, and worth a watch).
I'm dead excited ......going next week hopefully - although if my son takes the kiddies before that .......I'll wait for DVD.

I love Toy Story!
Soozy Woo
Nope ...........I think he see's him as I do .............a toff who is so self centred, egotistical, up his own arse and a crashing bore.
I think Ben is hilarious!  I think Ben is self centered, but no more so than John James or Mario.  I even think that Ben is much more self aware than any of the other housemates.  Ben knows he has faults and will gladly list them.  John James, of course, doesn't have any faults, nor does Mario.

Yes, Ben is a bitch and a gossip, but aren't all of us to some extent?  At least he will admit it while John James will go on for hours and then deny that he bitches and backstabs.

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