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As some of you know, my niece now has lived with us for nearly a year (she did not get on with her step dad and things came to a head last year which meant she came to live with us with her mums permission), anyway on her 17th birthday she sent off for her driving licence and today she has gone for her very first driving lesson at 11.30.  I couldn't be prouder of her if I was her mum, she is paying for these lessons through her holiday job from college and wouldn't accept a penny from either Mr Pink or me.

Mr Pink texted me a few minutes ago to say he saw her behind the wheel in a quiet road by us and he was as proud as punch of her, she calls him her second dad anyway, I am just waiting for her to come home now full of excitement and asking me when I am buying a car so as she can practice in that as well!!  I can see when I do get a car and she passes her test, I am going to be the proud auntie and let her drive it all the time!  Luckily she loves the same type of car as I do (Corsa) and they are small so she should be ok in as she is learning in a 59 reg Corsa.  

Honestly I am so proud of her for doing it without anyone's help.

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Oh here we go.. the car has just pulled up outside and I can see a big grin from here!!  Oh and amazingly here is Mr Pink's car as well!!  (with a big grin on his face!)

I'm sitting in the window, discreetly, been looking for her to pull up in the car... have to go now for a bit ~ excited teenager (and husband) alert!!!!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Thanks for all the comments.  I've just got the computer back as she's been on FB and Bebo telling all her mates about her very first driving lesson!!!! ~ her words, not mine.

She said she was ok, stalled the car once, and Mr Pink told her that's really good for a beginner, he stalls his car a lot (!).  He has just given her a tenner and told her to go to West Brom and treat herself to something nice ~ bless him.  

We are not able to drive Mr Pink's car, our local council do not allow wives/partners to drive taxis here, (though I admit when he had the Megane I had a sneaky drive as I had not driven for ages and was a bit nervous about driving again, also I had never driven a Renault), so she has been sitting in the passenger seat on his day's off watching how he drives and telling him off if he does something wrong!  He says it's not fair, two women drivers to contend with!

So we are now looking for a Corsa that is suitable for us both, she is learning now in one and will be used to the gears, indicators etc and this will be my third one as I love them

She has the biggest grin on her face and says she can't wait for her next lesson, and TBH I can't stop smiling!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
I not heard from my Uncle for a while now... I went to stay with him while my mum and dad went on a trip to Australia.

It was about 5-6 years ago and apparently I came back home pissed... don't think my parents get on well with him now.
Some developments on the car front this afternoon.

After having a nose around on EBay, both my niece and I have found a car we both like for the amount of money we are prepared to spend and have made an offer on the car!  I'm usually wary of buying on EBay but the car looks 100% genuine and it's what we both want so fingers crossed for me!!!  It's a 51 reg Corsa in Leicester, genuine mileage and looks really nice as well, full service history and all MOT's ect kept and is currently being used daily.  Long drive for me back from Leicester though if I am lucky enough to get the car!!!  Emailed my mechanic mate with the details and he says from what he can see it looks ok so fingers crossed
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
And you Pinkie are so lucky to have an ambitious niece
I know Charli, I'm really proud of her that she won't accept help from us to pay for the lessons and she also insists on paying a little into the house, which I put to one side and then she gets it back when I know she is running short or she needs credit for her mobile.

she's not an angel by any stretch of the imagination, she can be a little madam, but when it comes to the important things in life, getting a career and things like that, she has got her head screwed on the right way.  She's training to be a hairdresser and thinks that being able to drive she will be able to apply to salons further away from where we live and be able to get there easier and of course if she wants in time she can go mobile.  I can trust her once she has passed her test as although she has done the teenage drinking stuff, she's not that keen even when out with her mates and boyfriend (and he is older than her and keeps an eye on what is going on)
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
How lovely, its nice to hear of a young girl trying to get on in life, there is such negative press re the teens. You are right to feel proud , smilies not working so here is a kiss x
You looked at autotrader? I know alot of people use that, I just bought mine from a local garage though.
Yeah, got their website bookmarked as I've been looking now for a few weeks, Mr Pink is keeping his eyes open for one while he is driving about and asking family and friends.

Thanks for reminding me to check it again!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Just bumping the thread to let everyone know that yesterday I became the proud owner of a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 sxi, metallic green Y reg!!  We are both doing really well!!

Huge big thanks to Mr Meat who reminded me to look on Auto Trader, I went looking for cars yesterday and had two disappointments, checked the website and found the car, viewed it, put short term insurance on it, and brought it all in the space of 3 hours!!  Had to drive back from Wolverhampton in it last night really tired with Mr Pink following me, but managed it and didn't even stall it.  Taxed it and properly insured it this morning and just need a part in my key to make the key fob work properly which I get this afternoon, joined the RAC and away I go... might add the L plates are not on it yet, despite lots of begging, I need to get used to driving again myself before my niece is allowed a go ~ plus I am loving driving so much, she won't get near it to look!!  Photo's will follow, but have been racing round all morning and have to get key sorted this afternoon and then go to the doctors, so will do them when I have 5 minutes.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
She sounds like a good un, and you have every reason to be proud of her.  Take some credit for yourself though, as you and your other half have obviously been a very good influence on her outlook and guided her along to have the ambitions to be the best she can be!    
What a lovely story.It's incredibly sad when parent/child relationship breaks down. So many kids go off the rail.................very fortunate (and lovely) that you and your husband are there to love, help and guide.

do you have kids of your own?
Soozy Woo

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