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i know he will be ok but i still dont want him to go this week, just to upset the game plan of all those in there who think hes a gonner.
Well after the Sunshine eviction/upset, we certainly dont know what will happen or how the voting will go. Unlike the old days when the fans votes seemed to count. This is why i stopped voting/wasting my hard earned.
Why? Because he nominated Ben? OK - he lusted after/fancied Ben for a couple of weeks ........i think he's made it quite clear that they really don't see eye to eye anymore. They all have to nominate someone ..........why shouldn't Mario nominate Ben?
He has the right to Nom Ben, but it seems to me that little shit Mario is jumping on the JJ bandwagon and nomming Ben coz he knows his new friends hate Ben. This years HMs seem to have started a Bitchfest both in the house and on here. I give my honest opinion and hope no-one thinks worse of me on here coz of my opinions.
Because once the noms were announced Little lick arse Mario sought out Ben and stated "I'd be really hurt if you put me up"(save and replace) Ben said why? I wouldn't be if it was the other way about etc..Yet he slagged off Ben the day before etc.I really don't like Mario....desperate little twat!
Loving your way with words Katty. Agree totaly. Have to watch me language though coz i am new on here.  
The truth of it is, whatever you think of Ben and his constant slagging off of Mario recently since Mario has done nothing but wind Ben up and put him down he still would never have nominated Mario. He has a sense of loyalty. Mario doesn't give a flying f*ck about anything except winning. It's okay, the little sleazebag hasn't a hope in hell of winning, which is absolutely fine and dandy with me.
But they have to nominate, and they have reached the point where it matters more and more, and it's important to try and get rid of one's biggest competition.
They will all do it if they've any sense.

In terme of playing Big Brother I don't think Mario has done anything nasty. I don't see why he shouldn't nominate Ben (although I would rather he didn't.) But he is quite entitled to.

They'll all be turning on their "pretend friends" from now on.
I like Mario, and I hope he's still there at the end.

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