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There was much more to that convo than we'll ever know.
Imo, she sounded a bit daft claiming to be "Glad to be a woman" sounded like she had an option.    That said, I've no idea why BB won't show us more of these chats;  how are we expected to know how the HM are getting on with each other if we only see selectively edited clips..?
Exactly. BB controls everything - what we see and how the votes go IMO.
Jo was having a great bit of banter with Ben (telling him to shut up with his tired lines about loving everyone)...Ben had a smile on his face, they both seemed to be enjoying it, and then the scene was over in a flash and back to the bedroom to hear some more mumbling from JJ1 and his Sheila 
I was grumbling about this the other night, how I/we haven't seen any interesting convos where we could actually get to know more about the HM's (and then said maybe BB were editing it). Looks like that could be the case based on the 5 second Jo and Ben stuff on the HL tonight.

I'm sick of the love story now aswell. I couldn't give a stuff if they get it on and she gets an STD or he chops off her foot and burys her under the patio now. Just so boring

And Corin has definitely got one on for that other JJ fella. She looks more like his mother though
Actually Lecshuals I did notice a spelling error from you the other evening. You said 'were' instead of 'where'. As it was your first offence in 7 years I decided to let you off
I said "buy" instead of "by" the other night and fretted about it for a whole 10 minutes!

My grammar and syntax are all wrong and I can't type but I do love to rely on my trusty spellcheck
I'd rather they didn't bother showing any of it, than to wet your appetite and then pull out before the climax!
Sounds like Mr Pink!! Seriously, I like Jo and that sounded like it could have been an interesting conversation, but as usual we got stuck with the boring twins.... no wonder I have given up on this year until one or the other have been voted out.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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