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Barmy, don't you think, in an odd way it's GOOD that Steve is a bit of a git, lechy, (possibly highly sexed <<< though that's not an insult) boring, dominant...etc

I know that sounds daft BUT if the only people with disabilities on the telly are all "nice" sympathetic, asexual, passive types...then it just perpetuates the stereotype?

Don't get me wrong, I cannot stand Steve for all the reasons above, I REALLY don't like him... But I HOPE (Gawd I hope, I am cynical, pessimistic, but HOPE STILL ) that folks will dislike Steve for Steve..and that's all. 

We need the good, bad and the ugly (and the sexy, gorgeous, funny, clever...) to be on telly to balance things out. The full spectrum.  One day, eh?
BARMYBRUMMIE offline 2,215 Forum Posts Today at 12:41 AM Last Edited: Why is it ridiculous Blizz - u seem to think EVERYTHING I say is ridiculous - Steve is the ONLY one in the house who is terribly maimed - he doesnt break his neck to do anything does he?? All you get out of Steve is EFF this and EFF that, leering at the girls, touching them up - he does f*ck all else - but its ok cos its Steve and he's got no legs and he's going to win the show. I bet if he was in the house with lots of other seriously disfigured housemates, he might just mind his Ps n Qs, might just tone down his language and remember that he's a married man instead of perving all over the YOUNG girls that are/have been in the house. Steve thinks he can get away with ANYTHING because he is the ONLY one in the house with a noticeable disability
What the young girls who don't seem to mind you mean i.e Rachel who sits and drapes herself all over him.  Oh and there was Keeley who did the same and used to sit on his lap.  I don't seem these young girls complaining.  I see young girls desperate to win who think that by latching onto Steve, is their ticket!

Oh and I am not a Steve supporter, but it does annoy me that all the perving blame seems to be put on his shoulders, when it is the girls alot of the time who are seeking him out.
Why is it ridiculous Blizz - u seem to think EVERYTHING I say is ridiculous - Steve is the ONLY one in the house who is terribly maimed - he doesnt break his neck to do anything does he?? All you get out of Steve is EFF this and EFF that, leering at the girls, touching them up - he does f*ck all else - but its ok cos its Steve and he's got no legs and he's going to win the show. I bet if he was in the house with lots of other seriously disfigured housemates, he might just mind his Ps n Qs, might just tone down his language and remember that he's a married man instead of perving all over the YOUNG girls that are/have been in the house. Steve thinks he can get away with ANYTHING because he is the ONLY one in the house with a noticeable disability
Why bring me into it?     I don't know why everyone's so obsessed with Steve's lack of limbs.  He's missing two legs a bit of his arm and an's half way through the show, why are these injuries still an issue and thrown up when people get annoyed with him?
Eff_Jay online 38 Forum Posts Today at 11:04 AM  I don't know why everyone's so obsessed with Steve's lack of limbs. He's missing two legs a bit of his arm and an's half way through the show, why are these injuries still an issue and thrown up when people get annoyed with him?
Have to agree with you there.  Also, some of the comments I have read here and elsewhere about his disability have been awful.

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