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Monkey, I can't vote from here but if I could I would. However, Baz, Yogi and Erinp

will all put some in for me, with great pleasure I'm sure.
Reading those DS contributions and your own words have almost reduced me to tears of sorrow and ANGER. As for that disgusting video, words fail me.

He is beyond contempt and I cannot for the life of me understand how BB did not know about his activities. If they did and have still put him on national tv, they are no better than Dave themselves
well FF - according to Dave on l/f just now, BB practically begged him to be on the show BECAUSE of his you-tube stuff and some article about him and his cronies in the Sun newspaper - sounds like THEY contacted HIM
WHAT (screaming here)........ That is absolutely disgraceful, beyond belief what kind of sick b*****ds have they got working on BB. Imagine actually recruiting a grown man who has publicly made fun of disabled people all under the guise of being religious, well..its beyond comprehension.  How low can you go.
I know this will be one of those posts that wil be jumped on and I won't be very popular but.... I wasn't hugely offended by the video of Dave in a wheelchair, I kind of got the feeling he was only using the wheelchair to reach the people he wanted to reach.  If he had gone around dressed in his monk outfit on foot then I bet less than half of those people he blessed would have stopped.  Although I DISAGREE with his pretending I don't think it was the sick twisted thing some people are making it out to be.  I felt he told his "congregation" to buy wheelchairs from ebay so they could reach and bless more people.
Monkey, I can't vote from here but if I could I would. However, Baz, Yogi and Erinp will all put some in for me, with great pleasure I'm sure. Reading those DS contributions and your own words have almost reduced me to tears of sorrow and ANGER. As for that disgusting video, words fail me. He is beyond contempt and I cannot for the life of me understand how BB did not know about his activities. If they did and have still put him on national tv, they are no better than Dave themselves
I don't understand why BB have let this low life in, but at the very least more people will be aware of this man and his act because of it.
Although I DISAGREE with his pretending I don't think it was the sick twisted thing some people are making it out to be. I felt he told his "congregation" to buy wheelchairs from ebay so they could reach and bless more people.
I make no apologies, but SPY I am absolutely disgusted.  I'm actually beginning to think you are a troll
I know this will be one of those posts that wil be jumped on and I won't be very popular but.... I wasn't hugely offended by the video of Dave in a wheelchair, I kind of got the feeling he was only using the wheelchair to reach the people he wanted to reach. If he had gone around dressed in his monk outfit on foot then I bet less than half of those people he blessed would have stopped. Although I DISAGREE with his pretending I don't think it was the sick twisted thing some people are making it out to be. I felt he told his "congregation" to buy wheelchairs from ebay so they could reach and bless more people.
I think a link to some of his other vids might help you to get to know the creep guy better
Last edited by squiggle
I felt physically sick when I saw those videos.  Thankfully I do not have close relatives who need to use wheelchairs all the time, but my aunt has to use one from time to time when her arthritis is too bad and when she was recovering from operations.  To tell his "congregation" to go and buy wheelchairs from EBay to reach out to people is just wrong.

Dave's comments remind me of the (in)famous comments that Glen Hoddle (ex England manager made about 12 years ago that disabled people were disabled because of wrong doings they had done in a previous life, he is "supposed" to be a Christian as well.  What is wrong with these people?  I do not have a religion as such, I have a belief system that works for me, and I always thought that God/Jesus loved all people regardless, disabled or not, gay, straight whatever.  Let's just say that the number has been on re dial since we could vote and I have been voting for any FM's who are unable to vote.  Lets hope this nasty man is evicted tonight and sinks back into obscurity very quickly.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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