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see i see it differently........they have a row he goes to the d/r sobbing he can't cope or stay there if josie doesn't talk to him...they bring her in.she sees how 'upset' he is.she backs down............the other night......she said she didn't want to sleep with him anymore..he breaks the fire exit door and goes.then he comes back.and she relents again cos she doesn't want him to be upset...then he told her.'i'm not moving beds'.she said 'ok'.he says.'you're not either'..........he turns on the tears and has these 'breakdowns' cos he knows that's the way to control her
She keeps saying 'I know I like you more than you like me'. Well why doesn't she show a bit of character and stay away from him? Oh no, she needs him japping at her heels.
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i can't see it cologne..he knows she fancies him..yet he maintains to others he doesn't feel the same way..yet continues to give her hope by constantly cuddling her.saying he can't cope without her.kissing her and stroking her hair....he WANTS to keep her interested and dangling.....and if she goes against him he runs off crying or leaves to make her feel guilty
Wish the pair of them would just bugga roff!    

As an aside  - it's not only josie that crabeyes is fixated on. Notice the way he also hangs around Ben, and is constantly asking the others where he is and what he's doing.   He's a sad wanker  and even right now planning on playing pranks on some of them, and he wants so much to deffo do Ben cos he'll get really annoyed, and she sits looking adoringly at him wiff her fum in her mowff!  He's got a horrible nasty cruel yella streak running right through him, while she is just portraying herself as  a half witted eejit!
and if she goes against him he runs off crying or leaves to make her feel guilty
...and if he goes against her, she puts the hoody up, sticks her thumb in her mouth and removes herself from him until she hears what she wants to hear. She loved all that drama yesterday until she got a bit scared that he might not come back and even then she accused him of showing her up. How did she make that out? He was only showing himself up. Everything needs to be about Josie. Why of why did she clean his nose. I stopped doing that to my children when they were three.
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He's a sad wanker and even right now planning on playing pranks on some of them, and he wants so much to deffo do Ben cos he'll get really annoyed, and she sits looking adoringly at him wiff her fum in her mowff! He's got a horrible nasty cruel yella streak running right through him, while she is just portraying herself as a half witted eejit!
God you're so right tiddles.
cologne 1
I just see it as they have a strong friendship...  Josie then fancies JJ, JJ (I think) probably does fancy her back, but has been taken off guard by the whole thing, is terrified of all things relationshippy... and getting together with a friend is about as scary as that stuff goes, and *sigh* I suspect he didn't imagine the girl he would fall for (in some hazy, far away, image in his head) would come in the form of a Josie.

Josie's quite tough... but her past experience, the one bloke she loved, was a complete fraud & liar, meaning that all this is her raw nerve... its where she is vunerable.

So...  now follows a messy, car crash, stop start, on off, tit for tat relationship / friendship / cuddle / moody hissy fit/ make up   & repeat...   kinda thing.

It happens.   Its way too messy to be contrived...  

I think even on the outside there would be communication issues, these are exasperated by being in the house (or perhaps not... perhaps on the outside JJ would run for the hills, or Josie would decide to not answer the phone)

who knows...
Josie then fancies JJ, JJ (I think) probably does fancy her back, but has been taken off guard by the whole thing, is terrified of all things relationshippy... and getting together with a friend is about as scary as that stuff goes, and *sigh* I suspect he didn't imagine the girl he would fall for (in some hazy, far away, image in his head) would come in the form of a Josie.
'Tis the way of the world me thinks: there can't truly be a 'platonic' friendship when one, (i.e. Josie,) harbours 'different' kinda feelings.... Josie thinks that JJ couldn't fancy someone like her (i.e. because she is overweight).JJ imo is just frightened, period, if there was some ddg, (slim!) woman in there who was paying him attention he'd  have run away in the first place faster than Roger Bannister could say four minute mile.......Or, of course there's the alternative theory that the whole thing on both of their parts is contrived and just about each of them wanting air time....or maybe it is somewhere in the middle?
Reference: brisket
I can't shake off the notion that Josie is a "performer". I just can't get that out of my head.
I think she is, but not in the BB sense.

I think she's just a natural comedian and often uses humour to lift the mood and, in some ways, to protect herself in certain situations. She will often laugh, instead of getting angry.
Ok Blizzie. I can see that may be possible.
But if that is the case, it can blurr good honest direct communication.
Where there are important issues to clarify good communication is vital, but if it is distorted by humour it can become less accurate.
I think the use of humour is smashing - as exemplified by your own posts - but there are times (as you also display) when a direct and undistorted communication is vital.
The shield of humour can be a problem if it is never lifted.
(I think )
Shurrup, you two!

I think many would wish my shield had stayed put, at the moment , but I find it very hard when I see someone being completely misrepresented, as I feel is happening with Josie.

Nobody's perfect, but she has got on with everyone in the house, apart from a bit of a blip with Queefer.
Her comment when BB announced that Dave would be automatically up for eviction and so could not be nominated - "What am I going to do now?" - brightened up the whole room, even if there was some truth in her joke!

That's what I look for in HMs, someone who makes me laugh out loud, literally!
brisket (Ben's Buddy/Mario's Mole) offline 8,569 Forum Posts Today at 3:11 AM Last Edited: Ok Blizzie. I can see that may be possible. But if that is the case, it can blurr good honest direct communication. Where there are important issues to clarify good communication is vital, but if it is distorted by humour it can become less accurate. I think the use of humour is smashing - as exemplified by your own posts - but there are times (as you also display) when a direct and undistorted communication is vital. The shield of humour can be a problem if it is never lifted. (I think )
You do talk alot of sense brisket
But if that is the case, it can blurr good honest direct communication. Where there are important issues to clarify good communication is vital, but if it is distorted by humour it can become less accurate.
I agree Brisket...   and I am one of those people that should communicate more honestly & directly but sometimes when I try, when its the most important time to communicate directly and the stakes are high, I panic, freak out, & humour is the default setting that I click into.

it really is a defence mechanism, but its not always a controllable decision when it kicks in.

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