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Reference: brisket
Rachel claims it was a temporary bed swap or a trial. But as far as I can tell we only have her word for that. I can't find where it is verified anywhere.
I saw him discussing the situation with Dave and Mario, I think, a few days ago.
They were trying to work out ways for him to keep it.
Ben was asking, "Should I say anything, or just stay in there, and wait until she asks for it back?"

They were telling him to just wait until she says something and then tell her you're staying put, basically.

Then Keeley left, Rachel moved back in, and his attempt to have more quiet has completely failed.
I can't bear her. She's been over-familiar from the minute she walked in. Constantly butts in and tries to get involved in every conversation, no matter how private. I still can't believe she's 28, not 15
Same here. She's trying to be all things to all people and failing miserably.
Did you see her jump from bed and dance like a lunatic when they played Fame the other moring..such a wanabee. It wan't endearing or sweet, she looked pathetic
This is Rachel who is desperate for fame. Failed X Factor contestant says it all. BB may well be her last shot at it so no surprise really that she's trying way too hard (she's not very bright remember). I don't hate her 'foghorn' voice but I really hate the fact she exudes desperate wannabe fame clown at any costs from every pore.
 I have that song  *Desperado* stuck in my head now....can't stand the silly bint

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