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Im on twitter, but im not sure i know how to tweet do i just type it all in that one box up the top? do i put @thisisdavina first or not

also.....i sent shabby a friend request.. do i need to add a message...beg etc i dont mind like
So, now that we all agree that Shabby deserves a second chance let's tweet thisisdavina and see if she can pull a few strings?
who agrees?
Keep the spoilt nasty little brat back.
better still give her a job where she has to learn humility...
I will DIE of excitement if she gets back in DIE and/or run around leaping and squealing ....i shall also run around leaping and screaming if she accepts my friend request on facebook
That has to be the saddest thing I have ever read on here.
It would give shabby the opportunity she should have had  

She had her opportunity like everyone else, she blew it, end of
Yes she did.
SHE left
It was HER choice...
All of it was an act... she wanted to show she had unrequited love..
What a load of old moonshine.
actually no really, when will i get the recognition due to me...ive already stalked her down to a club and a date where by hook or by crook im coming back with me and shabby pictures i am the bestest stalker
actually no really, when will i get the recognition due to me...ive already stalked her down to a club and a date where by hook or by crook im coming back with me and shabby pictures i am the bestest stalker
No you are a rubbish stalker
The cold sweaty one is far better
Reference kattymieoww Today at 20:39:
She's got a fractured ankle,I can't see her returning at all.
They said on BBLB that she needs an operation. Official line is that they're going to give her a few days until she feels better, then the BB producers will discuss with her whether or not she returns to the house.
Eugene's Lair
Well lets hope that the Producers tell her she's unpopular and that she can bow out and save face, rather than meet a barrage of boos...then we can all concentrate on getting rid of Rachel

And if that self centred little mare goes anywhere near the BB house, my viewing would be immediately terminated

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