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I think it must react differently with different peoples body chemicals or something
Yeah it does, which is why if you're trying something new it's always best to try a tester, leave it for a few hours and see if it agrees with you before purchasing. Try testing from a mate's bottle of EDP if you can as the over the counter testers are always a hell of a lot stronger than what you get when you buy EDP and will stay really strong for hours. (old marketing ploy)

Sometimes there are women who walk past and they smell bloody gawj, I always ask what they're wearing and all of them say they also use the shower gel/body moisturiser/body products that you can buy to go with the perfume as that helps it last longer. I started doing this a few years back and you can get the body lotions and stuff on e-bay (from a good seller) a hell of a lot cheaper.

Oh there is a Gucci one that was out last year and it was absolutely rank 
I'm really bad Deman,a few years back I was in Macys in NY,I'd found some fab bargains and ended up with a loaded trolley in the handbag dept...I was looking for things in the lower shelves when this woman appeared beside me,well the lower half of her body,OMG the smell that oozed from her was odious....I had to run outside and was stood being sick into a bag,hailed a cab and had to go home ,absolutely terrible.

Terrible, isn't it? I fainted in a meeting once because the colleague next to me had such awful BO. While I was recuperating in another room, he popped his head round the door to ask if I was OK. I didn't know where to put my face (nowhere near his armpits, obv)
Reference:  Ella
oh yeah.... that makes me feel sick too.   Last time we took our dog to a proper groomers, despite us telling them we didn't want any dog perfume on him (I mean.. wtf... I like my dog to smell like a clean dog.. end of) he came back reeking of vanilla!   

He stank... and it took three baths to rid him of the smell.

Who on earth wants a dog that smells of vanilla!

I clipper him myself now!
Terrible, isn't it? I fainted in a meeting once because the colleague next to me had such awful BO. While I was recuperating in another room, he popped his head round the door to ask if I was OK. I didn't know where to put my face (nowhere near his armpits, obv)
Ooooh BO is just stomach turning,I get the saliva running into mouth before quick dash to be sick when I smell it.
Whoever ran out of Macys and left a trolley load of shopping - how could you commit such a crime? Macys is H.E.A.V.E.N. I would have told the smelly person to do one - NO ONE comes between me and my shopping
That was me Karma and it's as well my handbag was over my shoulder or I'd have left it too....I mean the smell was rank,putrid putrid rank,not if they'd offered me the items in my trolley for free could I have avoided having to run.
Sometimes there are women who walk past and they smell bloody gawj, I always ask what they're wearing and all of them say they also use the shower gel/body moisturiser/body products that you can buy to go with the perfume as that helps it last longer. I started doing this a few years back and you can get the body lotions and stuff on e-bay (from a good seller) a hell of a lot cheaper.
That puts me in mind of a 'perfume cloud' where the stuff they're wearing is so strong it stays in a cloud after they leave I hate that in any smell... not a fan of overpowering smells
shower gel/body moisturiser/body products that you can buy to go with the perfume as that helps it last longer.
yeah I agree with that...   my regular "for best" perfume is Jean Paul Gaultier Classique, and I use the body lotion as well...   the smell from the lotion lasts longer than the smell from the perfume... and its Eau de parfum as well!

if its true that the testers are stronger than the ones for sale then I am gonna buy the ex-testers then... I have seen them for sale on line... you don't get a box and all the packaging.. but I don't care about that.

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