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I suppose it serves me right for getting my hopes up that she didn't!

I really do feel a little sorry for Caoimhe - because she doesn't come across as pleasant or sympathetic it is easy to make her the villain in all situations. Behind the hard exterior perhaps she is as messed up and confused in the head as she was suggesting to BB.

Not sure if that edit did either of them any favours...

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If Farmer Giles had ANY intention of leaving there and then , she wouldnt have gone to the DR in her dressing gown.  I'm seeing a very sinister side to the ol' cow.  She knows EXACTLY what she's doing, today she's got 'her man' back and all day has been guffawing like no-one's business whilst in JJs company - ALL for Keevers benefit I might add.  I dont like Keever either - but Josie might as well just  go and laugh in Keevers face and say 'haha I got my man back u bitch'

but Josie might as well just  go and laugh in Keevers face and say 'haha I got my man back u bitch'
And I hope she does. It's quite clear that JJ and Josie are close .....yes the fancying 'may' be one sided but ..................Keever overstepped the mark IMO ........she knew bloody well that Josie has a thing about JJ and she will not be happy until she's spoilt it. She seems like that kind of girl to me.
Soozy Woo
Anyone kept a count about how many times Keever states that she wants  to go?Since Shabby must be getting up to double figues by now at least.
Lichman's record could be under threat!

I think it's a huge problem for Caoimhe that she doesn't have and developed friendships in the house - ironically it was Josie that got her through the departure of Shabby.
Cold Sweat
I see there's a pattern with Josie, she acts like a possessive bitch over a fake-relationship and then goes around saying how sorry she is that she's caused offence knowing full well it keeps their boring non-relationship as the house's preoccupation and talking point above everything else.  They've both got to go before it drags the whole series down.
oh I agree totally CS - Keever DID overstep the mark - SHE can see the ÂĢÂĢÂĢÂĢÂĢÂĢs as well as Josie and JJ if there was a romance in the house.  IF JJJ really do have a thing for each other (and I've said this previous BBs) - what the hell is 3 months to wait, if not less??  Why not wait?  All three of them are coming across as a bit desperate to me - JJ especially, trying to look 'cool' about it and confused at the same time - if a girl says she fancies you - WHAT DO YOU THINK IT MEANS??  And so we have the 'cool' JJ who doesnt understand girls

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