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How about "6 of one ands half a dozen of the other"? Or, in this case "33 1/3" the 3 of 'em.
pretty much! 

Josie has got herself into a paranoid state..   I do think she will be remorseful about tonight... and go on a huge guilt trip about it.  

I am not sure whether paranoid is the right word...  that old saying "just cos you're paranoid doesn't mean they ain't out to get you" springs to mind.

Mario said something a little while back & I couldn't catch what it was..  but Josie seemed to take it as validation for this tirade against Keever...
Updates: Day 42
Josie tells Ben, Rachel and Keeley that Caoimhe brings out the worst in John James.
Ben tells Josie her conflict with Caoimhe has 'sucked the life out of her.'
Mario comments that everyone in the winners party: "Looks like they've got a face like a slapped arse."
Caoimhe is telling John James she wants to leave the house and can't wait until she may be evicted on Friday.
Mario says he wants to work in fashion or video games when he leaves the house.
Corin is applying fake tan to Andrew. He says he is 'loving it.'
Josie is trying on different outfits in order to decide on an eviction outfit.
Corin says she is embarrassed that she keeps mentioning that she was attracted to Nathan.
Caoimhe says she had 'confused feelings' for Shabby but didn't fancy her.
Caoimhe and Corin say John James treats women with respect and has the attitude of a 'true gent.'
Corin is asking John James about his situtation with Josie. John James says they are like brother and sister.
Caoimhe is talking about her connection with Shabby, saying she loved her and she hopes that they will be best friends for life.
Corin says she is glad David and Steve are in the house as she feels she can go to them when she is finding it hard.
Steve tells Corin if she was single, Nathan would have been all over her 'like a rash.'

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