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We need better tasks, secret rooms and more alcohol.
I was catching up with the highlights from the weekend today and I found myself thinking where were the big characters like Science and the really fun tasks.  Living in a Box, Secret Oasis thing, 24hr tasks, we certainly need something to liven it up or have we tuned into someone's living room and they are pretending its BB?
Doubt it would be new housemates, they need to start getting them evicted for the final 2 weeks. They should do a triple eviction  JJ, Steve and Dave in a row BAM!!!!! (I'm going by that Caoihme is already evicted by the way )
24hr tasks,
Yes...... we could do with some more *Belinda , Belinda, Belinda, on a bike * tasks Even the ice cream task last year , that went on all night was amusing* Mind you, no way Ben would stay up all night, bless him

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