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As a lot of you will know, I have a disabled daughter who is wheelchair-bound AND I have an uncle who is paralysed from the waist down, through both of them I have learned a LOT - an awful LOT about disability - ANY disability.  I dont see the disability, I see the person and I absolutely cannot abide Steve, it seems he can say anything he likes, he is very pervy (noticed it a while off - whenever he speaks he gets sound-dipped because its either swearing or pervy).  NOW he is being shown for the chauvenistic pervy frustrated bitter little shit that he is.
If he wants to be treated as normal then he should expect to be up for eviction every week - I cant WAIT for the week that he's up - he makes me effing sick
Cheers Leccy xxx I never knew all this. I was physically assessed (that was a laugh - I was like the Nan out of Catherine Tate when the doctor was trying to get me to do stuff that was on the verge of the impossible) but yeah following that assessment I was awarded this and that and the other. One thing I've discovered is that no-one actually tells you anything or advises you on what you are eligible for, what your rights are, what your official status is, nothing. So could I get a disabled badge for driving then? And I am asking with the upmost sincerity - honest!
I don't get DLA thingy (have never applied for it?) to be honest I just came out of work after it was decided the recovery could take a few years as opposed to 6 weeks (MUPPETS ) and just phoned up and said what had happened and that was it. No-ones ever mentioned anything else to me. I will delve into it though, thanks again missus
Last edited by Leccy
BARMYBRUMMIE 1,934 Forum PostsToday at 12:07 Last Edited: As a lot of you will know, I have a disabled daughter who is wheelchair-bound AND I have an uncle who is paralysed from the waist down, through both of them I have learned a LOT - an awful LOT about disability - ANY disability. I dont see the disability, I see the person and I absolutely cannot abide Steve, it seems he can say anything he likes, he is very pervy (noticed it a while off - whenever he speaks he gets sound-dipped because its either swearing or pervy). NOW he is being shown for the chauvenistic pervy frustrated bitter little shit that he is. If he wants to be treated as normal then he should expect to be up for eviction every week - I cant WAIT for the week that he's up - he makes me effing sick
Thankfully Barmy I think most people are seeing the ugly side to Steve. My only fear is that life after BB may be even harder for him.

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