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I didn't watch LF last night, was he really that bad?
He's always been that bad. The HMs only know some of it.. They call him selfish, lazy,liar and greedy and he is all of those. They just don't know how nasty and bitchy he is.
Keeley and Rachael sat with JJ and Josie planning what they'd do to Ben today....Keeley saying she'd get him to do xy and z,they mimicked how he had hoovered,JJ was loving  it and almost salivating at their ideas.
Exactly. But it always seems like some are allowed to play the game and others just nasty.
Targetting others in order to verbally abuse them is nasty full stop....Be it in a game or in RL it's unacceptable so hardly playing the game.
Targetting others in order to verbally abuse them is nasty full stop....Be it in a game or in RL it's unacceptable so hardly playing the game.
Well I must be hard as nails then. Because I haven't seen anything said that I wouldn't say "Whatever" to and walk away from.
He's always been that bad. The HMs only know some of it.. They call him selfish, lazy,liar and greedy and he is all of those. They just don't know how nasty and bitchy he is
I have always thought this and can not understand how he is so loved on this forum   He is one of the moost selfish people I have ever seen, if it doesn't benefit him to do something he won't do it and doesn't give 2 hoots about the other HMs.  He's very spoilt.  I also dont get the JJ love over on DS   how can people condone Ben and JJs actions?
how can people condone Ben and JJs actions?

The simple truth is as housemates they are both significantly more entertaining than most of the rest of them... by default... as most of the rest are just wallpaper.

Gradually disliked Ben recently, but it turned to loathing last night. He was even mocking Andrew!!! He just can't handle anyone questioning him in the slightest way without a snide malicious response ( behind their back of course ).

He's a gossipy, nasty oul biddy. BB should make him wear a headscarf + rollers. 

However I get what the OP is saying that Ben fans( and JJ detractors imo) are unbalanced and too vehement in their views.

That's exactly what I meant, I love Ben as well as JJ but I feel that if JJ does anything he is lambasted but it Ben does the same thing on here nothing is said, thats all.
but it Ben does the same thing on here nothing is said, thats a
I think there may have been a time when that was right River Rock, but not any more..... It seems to me that is Ben puts a foot wrong nowadays he gets jumped on from a great height on the forum......
I ... can not understand how he is so loved on this forum
Ella - I posted a thread a few days ago which basically said that when I say I like a housemate it means I like them as a housemate. And that's the end of it.

I pointed out that if I was in the house I'd find Ben thoroughly infuriating (I'd probably be the one he called the anti-christ ) but I'm not IN the house. I'm watching the show and to that end I like Ben as a housemate. I'd far rather have him in there and JJ and even Caoimhe than the likes of Steve, Iffy and Nathan who do not on the whole provide much entertainment. That may be down to poor editing but that's all we have to go on.
Reference: LEE
Targetting others in order to verbally abuse them is nasty full stop....Be it in a game or in RL it's unacceptable so hardly playing the game.
It's playground tactics...silly, but still playing the game...Call someone names behind their back, gather your friends and tell them what you think they should think etc. If ANY of them have a beef with another HM, they should have the guts to say it to their face, but they always have an eye to nominations
The simple truth is as housemates they are both significantly more entertaining than most of the rest of them... by default... as most of the rest are just wallpaper.
nail. head
However I get what the OP is saying that Ben fans( and JJ detractors imo) are unbalanced and too vehement in their views.
It's not like you to generalise like that. Anyway, it's not true. Ben supporters seem to be very retraint.
cologne 1
I watched Ben in the nest last night/this morning and i have to say i laughed my head off. He was so funny, its not so much what he was saying but the way he said it. I have to say the "Cruella" remark was a bit true, she came in so bossy and let everyone know how she was going to sort the house out. Ok Ben can be a bitch, but he has been on the receiving end for so long it was nice to hear him having a bit of a rant
Targetting others in order to verbally abuse them is nasty full stop....Be it in a game or in RL it's unacceptable so hardly playing the game.
I agree Lee..... and for the life of me, I really can't see what is entertaining about. it....
Disappointed in Ben in his behaviour towards the new housemates although Kealey does seem a bit shallow.  Every year the first housmates gang up on the newcomers in a biggoted consensus and I'd have thought they'd learnt their lesson by know.
Ben cracks me up! I know he bitches, but when you copmpare him to waste of space HM's like Ife/Mario/Steve.... Ben adds up to being a pretty good HM.
I loved Brian from BB2, and he did his fair share of bitching when he was in the BB house, but was still a likeable person, thats how it is with Ben for me.
Senora Reyes

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