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Reference: erinp
Lee ,Josie nomed Corin last week .Since then she became best friend to Keeva and they have bad mouth Corin in front of JJ ,Josie knows what buttons to push regarding JJ.He hates to think a HM is being fake ,playing the game, and can't be trusted.Josie knows that Corin has three noms coming her way on Monday.
I thought it started with Josie saying that Corin's outburst had surprised her.
The other two, Queefer and JJ, then started bitching about her and Josie defended her, to an extent.
I absolutley loathe how Josie gets away with everything scott free, she is very much the organ grinder and JJ who is a little bit dimmer than her the monkey who carries out all her dirty work and she sits back and laughs.

(On a side note, remember the time JJ laughed at Ben when his bed was tilted, Ben launched into a mouthful of abuse at him, calling him completely stupid, and said if his life was like John James he would kill himself- might JJ be holding a grudge against this as he said some pretty personal things to him.)
(On a side note, remember the time JJ laughed at Ben when his bed was tilted, Ben launched into a mouthful of abuse at him, calling him completely stupid, and said if his life was like John James he would kill himself- might JJ be holding a grudge against this as he said some pretty personal things to him.)
Ben is so  rude but he seems to go unnoticed on here most of the time ...
Corin is sure to have 4 noms this week (Josie, JJ, Keeva and Mario) and I fear she will be up. On the bright side she has proven herself to be quite sporty with her goal during the footy task and her basket during the wheelchair task and so could well win the save and replace! Hope she puts keeva up!
True....IMO with the exception of those 4 Corin get's along well with the other HM's,they could possibly nominate her on a weekly basis now but I feel she'd be safe from eviction.
Amazing to see how many (otherwise sensible) people turn into fawning, toadying suckers for a posh accent.
LOL.....I am neither a sucker for posh accents, neither do I fawn I just prefer people who don't swear all the time, or who think it is fun to  pick on people, or gang up on an individual, but can't take it themselves.

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