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Steve has often been the impatient one who has barked out a command telling them to be quiet in the bedroom.
But tonight - because he feels like being involved - he is shouting along with Dave and Nathan and Corin. (Possibly to disturb Ben?)
But I notice Steve is making a great deal of use of the F word tonight. Repeatedly and loudly.
Then suddenly he barks that we need some sleep now, and says "goodnight kids."
Somebody replies "Goodnight Dad".
And sure enough. The room quietens and they go to sleep.
Who the heck does he think he is?
What a bolshie, selfish, bombastic man!
Don't tell me they are intimidated by this boring man.
Don't tell me it is misplaced sympathy.
He must think he is all-powerful when a couple of words from him can change the house.
I cannot stand him.
i think he's boring......and i noticed on last nights h/l's how he brought in that he 'sees his daughter in the mirror in the bathroom.but isn't sure if she's saying come home or stick with it'....which of course brought the reaction from mario that 'she's saying stay'......i think he's quite manipulative and is playing the game more than the other h/m realise
One he also got ÂĢ200,000 compensation for.
I don't begrudge him that. But a hero is someone who risks their own life to save others.  Steve may well have done that if he'd been able to serve for longer. But we'll never know, and he doesn't deserve the reverence heaped on him by most of the HMs. I'm sorry he got injured. But then I'm sorry for the thousands of construction workers killed or maimed each year in the course of their jobs. No-one calls them heroes, either.

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