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I really hope Ben doesnt walk, if he can get thru till Friday and Nathan goes it will break up the pack. Nathan doesnt mind anyone else in HIS kitchen, Josie never stops eating, her clothes are so tight on her now! So what if Ben doesnt do dishes, Shabby didnt either, never saw them say anything to her. Dave,s sniggering and backing up the pack makes me puke. A Christian man my bum!! At least Mario (eventually) told them to back off
I hope he doesn't leave, but I wish he'd get his bloody finger out with the tasks. Ok, if he can't do it fair enough, but at least give it a go. 
I don't think Nathan going will make much difference, JJ's like a dog with a bone and Steve stirs the pot. Ben's only hope is the new housemates deflect some of the crap that's thrown at him.
I can understand the others getting a bit narked, but the ganging up is so very wrong. JJ seems to look for excuses just to have a Ben bash.
I have no idea if ben will walk as missed quite a bit of late, just pop in there when can.However, i do like him and I think a lot of HM's over the years pick on some one they think has a good chance of winning.. they have been picking on him for weeks now and its pathetic. Don't really even like Corin any more, she is not as sweet as some people think I feel and as some one esle said she is one tough cookie. anyway, thats gots nothing to do with the question, its hot, I am tired and tad confused! Ta Ta for now lol
IMO, Ben is a brilliant HM. He makes me laugh, particularly when he doesn't even realise he is being funny. He is interested in people and is polite and well mannered.
I am not blind to his faults though - his total apathy towards any task is obviously going to annoy the other HMs and he will get some flak for that.
However, it is the relentless badgering of Ben by people like JJ and Nathan, egged on by the (nearly) silent assassin Steve and that snake-in-the-grass Dave, that is completely out of order. They don't have a go at him for one thing, they have a bl**dy list. Sometimes their rants at Ben have lasted for hours and BB has done nothing to stop it - shame on you BB.
I hope he doesn't walk but I wouldn't blame him if he did.
IMO, Ben is a brilliant HM. He makes me laugh, particularly when he doesn't even realise he is being funny. He is interested in people and is polite and well mannered. I am not blind to his faults though - his total apathy towards any task is obviously going to annoy the other HMs and he will get some flak for that. However, it is the relentless badgering of Ben by people like JJ and Nathan, egged on by the (nearly) silent assassin Steve and that snake-in-the-grass Dave, that is completely out of order. They don't have a go at him for one thing, they have a bl**dy list. Sometimes their rants at Ben have lasted for hours and BB has done nothing to stop it - shame on you BB. I hope he doesn't walk but I wouldn't blame him if he did.

Spot OnYogi

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