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apparently Maguerita  Ben doesn't bitch he Grumbles about people..  that made me roflmao when I saw that yesterday. .

Sorry Squiggle, no offence intended     but twas funny especially  after he'd been non stop bitching and getting pretty personal about Mario's personal life to whomever would listen to him all day  yesterday
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben is incredibly selfish, often confronts people and does nothing but bitch but his fans on here just say 'Oh isn't ben hilarious'

JJ, bitches and confronts people (his mannerism are not as polite as Ben's so he comes across more volatile) and all he gets on here is 'That JJ is a creep, barbie, peroxide idiot' etc'

I like the pair of them but it is so obvious that Ben gets away with murder while JJ gets chastised.
Ben is incredibly selfish, often confronts people and does nothing but bitch but his fans on here just say 'Oh isn't ben hilarious' JJ, bitches and confronts people (his mannerism are not as polite as Ben's so he comes across more volatile) and all he gets on here is 'That JJ is a creep, barbie, peroxide idiot' etc' I like the pair of them but it is so obvious that Ben gets away with murder while JJ gets chastised.

I agree  also I wonder if Ben had a think Scouse accent or similar and behaved the way he does, and says the things he says,  people would see him in the same light
I agree  also I wonder if Ben had a think Scouse accent or similar and behaved the way he does, and says the things he says,  people would see him in the same light
I have always said, if it's said with an accent it's bitching. If it's said with his accent it's a discussion or an observation. He is now on the bed discussing/observing about Dave and John to Keever. It wasn't long ago he observed and discussed how she was part of the witches coven.
Ben is incredibly selfish, often confronts people and does nothing but bitch but his fans on here just say 'Oh isn't ben hilarious' JJ, bitches and confronts people (his mannerism are not as polite as Ben's so he comes across more volatile) and all he gets on here is 'That JJ is a creep, barbie, peroxide idiot' etc' I like the pair of them but it is so obvious that Ben gets away with murder while JJ gets chastised.
Ben gets away with bog all fgs....Threads,especially ones where the subject matter is negative about other HM's you can rest assured posts will appear bringing up Bens actions....As for JJ ,he with the masters in swearing apparently noooooo he doesn't swear....When and if Ben targets HM's who to deems to be weaker than him ,yes like Barbie Boy does then I can guarantee I'll  remove his name from my sig....Ben does be used as a whipping boy by some HM's that cannot be denied,some is warranted because of his own actions but some of it no and I dislike to see anyone being ganged up on as he is.
I agree  also I wonder if Ben had a think Scouse accent or similar and behaved the way he does, and says the things he says,  people would see him in the same light
I see what you mean DS as I feel the same about Barbie Boy and Nathan....Both swear like troopers but Barbie Boy doesn't receive the criticism  about it than Nathan does....So does it come down to accent or looks?
i agree with ben, that he shouldn't have to sop being an individual,his problem with it tho, is that he doesn't take the consequences of insisting on his individuality,everyone around  him has to take the burden the consequences,  as dave did in the task and as all the blokes are doing in lending him clothes,which he then insists in wearing, in the case of jj, even when he's been asked not to.
he's also right in that nathan doesn't have to cook his food, but that's as far as he gets to justify himself and his individuality, not actually considering taking on the responsibilities of that statement and  cooking his own food.
apparently Maguerita Ben doesn't bitch he Grumbles about people.. that made me roflmao when I saw that yesterday. . Sorry Squiggle, no offence intended but twas funny especially after he'd been non stop bitching and getting pretty personal about Mario's personal life to whomever would listen to him all day yesterday
You are entitled to your opinion Olly but I certainly see a difference between Mario's remark "a fake shirt for a fake person" and Ben's "just because I don't want his wiener up my bum doesn't make me an appalling person".  Mario's has a sneer in it.  Of course you (and Marge) must come to your own conclusions, as do I
Ben can be his own worst enemy...he has obviously had the benefit of a good education, but has never listened to the teachers....his opinions are sometimes (at best) faulty.

He confides in everyone and tells them things he should keep to himself, thus providing the fuel for them to burn him with

He can be witty, incredibly naive and endearing, but he's also a lazy so and so, goes on and on and complains(bitches?) about people behind their backs...for which he politely apologises
He is a teller of tall tales when he sees himself getting into even more hot water than he's in already.

I like Ben, but he does drive me insane, and sometimes I could cheerfully strangle him, at others I want to give him a hug...The house needs him in there, much more than the likes of Nathan, Ife,Steve and Keever
Ben gets away with bog all fgs....Threads,especially ones where the subject matter is negative about other HM's you can rest assured posts will appear bringing up Bens actions....As for JJ ,he with the masters in swearing apparently noooooo he doesn't swear....When and if Ben targets HM's who to deems to be weaker than him ,yes like Barbie Boy does then I can guarantee I'll remove his name from my sig....Ben does be used as a whipping boy by some HM's that cannot be denied,some is warranted because of his own actions but some of it no and I dislike to see anyone being ganged up on as he is.
They will not let it lie either in the house or in here, they are still (LF) talking about last Saturday's task.  If Ben was to go on an on at people like JJ does I could understand it but no Ben does not, I have seen him so supportive of everyone in there.
You are entitled to your opinion Olly but I certainly see a difference between Mario's remark "a fake shirt for a fake person" and Ben's "just because I don't want his wiener up my bum doesn't make me an appalling person". Mario's has a sneer in it. Of course you (and Marge) must come to your own conclusions, as do
and Ben's comments were said in pronounced English  without the sneer so his are not as bad ?

yet his timbre does change when he speaks badly of others.. it gets very whiney and petulant sounding.. maybe that's his sneer. .as is his 'these people' comments. .they contain a sneer if ever I heard one  

and what about the despicable things he was saying about Mario's lifestyle yesterday to all and sundry. . [don't get me wrong I was agreeing with a lot of what he was saying but not with him telling all and sundry about it] that wasn't nasty and mean? he then proceeded to pick Mario's appearance apart too...  again not nasty and mean?

Don't get me wrong all of them pushing at him  at once is wrong  and cruel but I also agree with jacksons post a lot too..

he is a taker not a giver and if he wasn't a posh nob I'd call him a scrounger.. 

he's still a cracking HM and funny with it..  but he is a pretty deluded person and has no time for those he considers beneath him

and I am not talking inverted snobbery here either, I dated 3 guys in the past all from his world and not one of them were as bad as him with their viewpoints.. he is an extremest and freely admitted he is selfish to boot..

if he is funny I will clap . .if he is nasty I will growl.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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