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You don't 'get' Ben so you won't see that that is Ben.

I do get Ben and quite like him sometimes, but if he's not going to play the game and be part of a team in tasks then I think he brings it all on himself. Obviously you don't seem to see any significance in Endermol calling his agent, I think it's got something to do with his whole attitudea and that's my opinion. Also at the end of my comment I did say I preferred Ben's bitching to what the others are doing with such venom.
Lots Fairfax nearly every year we will get one who said they have never watched or hardly ever watched the show they usually slip up

Well this year there is certainly no pretence of never watching BB, most of them can almost quote verbatim certain conversations that have gone on through the different series..especially Mario, Iffy and JJ. Right little bunch of BB 'know it alls'. Spoils it I think
I like Ben as an HM but wouldn't go within a mile of him in rl. I enjoy his uselessness, his laziness and general idiocy as an HM, but only as an HM.
I have days when I could wring his neck and days when he's quite sweet and I wonder why I was so mad at him. Yes, like everyone in the house he bitches and then like a fool brings someone else into for the Mario thing....Mario was really nasty to Ben the other night and they both had a hissy fit about it, and I thought it was over and done with.
I don't think Ben is a saint, in fact he's quite a sinner, but as an HM he's good value to the viewer and that's why I want him to stay
Endermol calling his agent, I think it's got something to do with his whole attitudea
i think it has to anne,i think initially he was confused about the 'game' which led to his   stirring up  the other hm's and his  odd nomination of sunshine, i think he nominated her because he knew she was unpopular in the house and  being up, she'd be gone, so one less contestant.quite logical really if you haven't gasped the  idea of the show

i think he's now realised that's not quite what the game is about ,so now i personally don't have that excuse for him anymore, as i said, he's a cacking hm, and hopefully been there for a while.
Ben really has never watched the show.  I don't really think he watches TV at all tbh.
How well do you know Ben squiggle? If you know him as much as I and all the other BB viewers know him then stop talking in absolutes. He might have said that, but he has told a few porkies while he's been in the house so, as much as I find him amusing, he's not overflowing with integrity.

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