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Reference: spiderminkey
Yes but if JJ did indeed throw the task (I don't think he did but we will find out tonight) it would once again display JJ's hypocracy. Didn't JJ nominate Ben this week for not putting effort into tasks?
Well he said he was going to, in so many words, and then he looked like he did, so I think he did throw it.

My point is, throwing a challenge in order to let someone else be saved, is different to throwing a task because you can't be bothered doing it, even though the whole house might suffer for it.
task because you can't be bothered doing it
 if he did throw the task he punished himself by being up for eviction not the whole house .. big difference ..but he still did the task regardless even if he did decide to lose it to Josie, unlike selfish Ben who does not give a toss about  the others he will do what he wants to do

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