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I would have shouted at him too..

As would I. Implying that the war happened because England chose to victimise Hitler was bang out of order. I suppose Ben would have been happy to sit back and watch as Hitler went about with his life, killing all those that didn't fit his image of perfection. He might learn from books, but he needs to take a step back and learn from life.

And as for Steve's comment to Ife about having feet, I don't think he meant to be pointing out that he had no feet any more than basically telling Ife that it could be worse- her feet may hurt but at least she has them! It's similar in  a way to when someone complains that they are hungry and someone replies with "people are starving in Africa".
Apart from Ben's questionable, IMO, views on WW2, he also appeared to suggest that interfering in Sierra Leone was a mistake.

I'm pretty sure that the people of Sierra Leone would have a lot to say to him on the matter, too!

Basically, Ben still wishes we had an Empire, is anti-Europe and thinks only people with the Queen as their Head of State deserve our help.
Basically, Ben still wishes we had an Empire, is anti-Europe and thinks only people with the Queen as their Head of State deserve our help.

I don't think he meant that I think he meant take car of those in the Empire first...If Britain feel they have the need to occupy other peoples countries then the very least they can do is ensure that the peoples needs are met.
Reference: RiverRock
I don't think he meant that I think he meant take car of those in the Empire first...If Britain feel they have the need to occupy other peoples countries then the very least they can do is ensure that the peoples needs are met.
We don't have an empire anymore.

And his point was, that we should only help those we have a connection with, or who we can benefit from, not those who are living under intolerable and brutal dictatorships.

Mind you, he is a Paternalist!
And his point was, that we should only help those we have a connection with, or who we can benefit from, not those who are living under intolerable and brutal dictatorships.
Gosh - how we all interpret things differently!!

I heard (vis ÃĄ vis current foreign policy NOT his WW2 stuff which was idiocy in the extreme) that if we were still an Empire with shedloads of power and money then yes ... we could pile on in there and sort things out wherever the whim took us - and being a powerful Empire we would probably stick about and introduce them to cricket and football and G&T and stuff.

But these days we are a small island basically hanging on in there with the big boys because we used to be powerful and wealthy (think brash, wealthy industrialist marrying his daughter - say Mary Bowes - to a poor yet aristocratic earl. It adds kudos). We can't afford to take these cases on willy nilly in the same way you can't feed every starving child in India when you take a fortnight's holiday in Goa. It's harsh but true. There is also the point that India represents one of the fastest growing economies on the planet and is emerging as a decided power in it's own right yet we still hand over phenomenal sums in aid. These are tough times economically and whilst the government has elected that overseas aid is not to be affected by the proposed cuts we simply cannot afford to follow the US about as if we're on level pegging. 

And back on point...   What I heard was that in tough times we have to look to our own families and make sure they are OK. As for the rest we have to pick and choose carefully since we cannot afford to take on every international dispute, however intolerable.
Had a play.... and I quite like the hindu one when just Ditty...

But I still think I like Jackson's DPGT one best


And I just found myself pondering where to have it...   then I gave myself a little shake & remembered I am not actually getting another tattoo in the foreseeable future! 

If I ever did it would be something very small, very simple, very discreet...
Reference: Cariad
And back on point... What I heard was that in tough times we have to look to our own families and make sure they are OK. As for the rest we have to pick and choose carefully since we cannot afford to take on every international dispute, however intolerable.
Maybe, but he has spoken a few times about how we shouldn't be part of the European Union, should concentrate on trading with Commonwealth countries, his belief in Paternalism etc.
So, combined with his WW2 views and his 'looking after family first' ideas, I take him to be hankering after the Empire years and not giving a damn about people suffering in other countries, under other dictators!
Reference: brisket
On a number of occasions it has been Steve who has called a halt to chatting in the bedroom at night. But last night - because he was involved and it suited him to do so - he let it go on and on. (Ben was trying to sleep.) But when he decided it was bed time he barked out his order and lo and behold within seconds they had all stopped talking. Who the heck does he think he is to seek to exert such control over others. Also last night he was very loud and used a great many F words. He was being very f****** gobby. And he decided when it was sleep time.
He has just done the same tonight.
After lots of noise for a couple of hours (much of it from Dave), Steve decided to call it a day!
He barked out his order "Shut up!".
Dave was defiant tonight though and wanted the last word.
But another "Shut up" from Steve did the trick.
I don't like a lot of noise in the bedroom throughout the night. I don't think it is fair.
But neither do I like the fact that a couple of words from one housemate and they all respond.
To say he's shown so much courage in his military career I can't help thinking that away from that he's just passive and goes with the flow, perhaps that's a good trait for an army recruit?  I say going with the flow but only as long as the flow is broadly where he aligns himself.  He's been a waste of space as a housemate and has nothing to say except when he's on safe familiar ideological ground - as he showed with Ben, I think he relies on his considerable intimidatory presence to carry himself through and his reputation ensures he won't get nominated.
Apart from Ben's questionable, IMO, views on WW2, he also appeared to suggest that interfering in Sierra Leone was a mistake.I'm pretty sure that the people of Sierra Leone would have a lot to say to him on the matter, too! Basically, Ben still wishes we had an Empire, is anti-Europe and thinks only people with the Queen as their Head of State deserve our help.
Yep agree with that Blizzie, Sierra Leone was a success and perhaps an unfortunate precursor to the disastrous Iraq policy that followed.  That said, Sierra Leone was a success and however fashionable it is to hate Tory Blair, the British and Blair's involvement in that country did a great deal of good which shouldn't be denigrated.
Steve has a seedy side to him
Yep - when Corin was saying she was going to dress sexily during the argument with JJ didn't her sort of leer and say something like 'she can do that any time she likes as far as I'm concerned'      If I was his missus I'd be livid.

Don't like him and although he'd obviously done well to cope with what happened to him, I don't like the way he used it in his argument to Ben about the war.   Rights and wrongs of the argument aside, his experience, tragic as it was, wasn't anything like what the men back then (and now) went through.
Yep - when Corin was saying she was going to dress sexily during the argument with JJ didn't her sort of leer and say something like 'she can do that any time she likes as far as I'm concerned'
He did and it`s not the first time he`shown that side of him.
He watches a lot. He`s tried hard to hold back on what he`s really thinking but it`s
coming out in dribs and drabs now. Not with just the leery general.
He`s quietly itimidating. I don`t like him either.

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