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But thats just it Lee, she tells JJ off one minute and tells others he gets on her nerves, then the next minute she's back to cuddling him and telling him she would miss him so much if he left, to me it feels like she is playing there might be a romance on the cards so keep me in card
I don't think she is the naive, thumb sucking girl she's trying to portray
I agree. I can't help thinking it is more "performance" than sincerity.
She and Caoimhe were awake very late last night, giggling and whispering.
Josie went on at some length about hoping there wouldn't be a new "sheila" come in the house to take JJ away from here. (She thought 'sheila' was amusing so she kept repeating it.
However her conversation seemed to reflect that he only interest in JJ was looking like Beckham in football gear. But at the same time, although she didn't want him, she didn't want anybody else to have him either.
All rather "let's pretend" if you ask me. I was not convinced.
Or perhaps she just thinks a pretend relationship will keep her in the limelight.
I still like her.
She makes me laugh more than anyone else in there. I like the fact that she stands up for people, in a calm way, usually, and I still haven't seen all this stirring that people talk about.

I don't think she's trying to be the new Jade, who I couldn't stand, btw, and I'm sure nobody could keep an act up for four weeks, without some sign of cracks in the facade.
Just because she has a Brizzle accent, don't mean she's thick either!
Josie...I can never make up my mind about her, although I don't like the level of smut she descends to.
I don't swallow the *country bumpkin* act, or the potential *fauxmance* either
I've seen her hand other people the bullets to fire and then sit back and watch
She deliberately winds JJ up, knowing that he'll erupt, if she was his friend she'd wind him down
However....she's playing a game in there and so far, hers seems to be the most successful and you can't blame her for that, because it's a game show and she wants to win as much as the next HM
she's either very very thick and everything whooshes over her head..


she a very very good game player....

dunno which one she is yet. .

but I do know she is as selfish as most of them in there..  she turns things to be all about her, same as most of them do 

thank gawd in RL the sort of vain selfish all about me people are not all gathered in the one place and are spread thinly. .maybe one to a a group of friends or less. .I'd go mental if I had that sort of personality around me day in day out..

what is funny is that for all the things they all hate in each other in there, they all have the exact same qualities  going on in themselves
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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