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How does that work? Sorry I'm a bit dense re e bay
Soozwoo, lets say you are happy to pay 15.00 for somthing and the current bid is 2.50. if you bid 15.00 it will bid the minimum bid everytime someone else bids on the item .

Example item currently at 2.50
You bid 15.00
Someone else bids 3.50
It will add your bid at 4.50 and so on, until your maximum bid has been outbided by someone else.

 I just made myself confused with that. There is a l;ink on ebay I see if I can find it for you.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
"Did you know?
eBay automatically bids on your behalf up to your maximum bid. If the item ends for less than your maximum, that's all you'll have to pay. See examplefor proxy bidding."
When you place a bid, you enter the maximum amount you're willing to pay for the item. The seller and other bidders don’t know your maximum bid.
We’ll place bids on your behalf using the automatic bid increment amount, which is based on the current high bid. We'll bid only as much as necessary to make sure that you remain the high bidder, or to meet the reserve price, up to your maximum amount.
If another bidder places the same maximum bid or higher, we’ll notify you so you can place another bid. Your maximum bid is kept confidential until it is exceeded by another bidder. 
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Soozy, I actually prefer to do it at the last minute (puting my max bid on) otherwise you can become a victim of shile biding. I have been had a few times on there for puting my max bid on too early. Right now I am bidding on three items from the same seller and I really really want these items to complete a collection, but I have a feeling he is driving the price up.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Soozy, I actually prefer to do it at the last minute (puting my max bid on) otherwise you can become a victim of shile biding. I have been had a few times on there for puting my max bid on too early. Right now I am bidding on three items from the same seller and I really really want these items to complete a collection, but I have a feeling he is driving the price up.
THE first eBay seller to be prosecuted for bidding in his own auctions to boost prices was spared jail yesterday.

Minibus firm owner Paul Barrett admitted 11 charges of so-called "shill bidding" under new laws to combat internet fraud.

Dad-of-one Barrett, 39, used two logins for the online site - "paulthebusman" and "shanconpaul".

He would advertise under one and put bids in using the other. Items sold included two Mercedes, a pie warmer, a cash register, mobile phones, a Land Rover and a camera.

In one case, bidding was at ÂĢ74 just 35 minutes before the auction ended but finally reached ÂĢ127. Sometimes Barrett won his own auctions and would leave positive feedback about himself. Trading Standards uncovered the racket after a complaint that Barrett sold a minibus with faked mileage.

Judge Peter Benson told him at Bradford Crown Court that trust was vital on eBay.
He would have gone to jail if he had previous convictions or made big profits. Barrett, of Stanley, Co. Durham, must do 250 hours of unpaid work and was fined ÂĢ3,500 plus costs.
Rev. Dim Dale
Reference:Blue Diamond
Soozy, I actually prefer to do it at the last minute (puting my max bid on) otherwise you can become a victim of shile biding. I have been had a few times on there for puting my max bid on too early. Right now I am bidding on three items from the same seller and I really really want these items to complete a collection, but I have a feeling he is driving the price up.
That's happened to me too and it's so annoying, I now put in my maximum bid right at the last minute as I hate being ripped off...
The Devil In Diamante

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