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Reference: off his ass
And where are they keeping his donkey? 

The opening show hype mentioned he'd done some great stuff like sailing the Atlantic?? I didn't see him going in there because he was unlucky enough to get blown up on patrol in NI 20 odd years ago but because of the various things it seemed he'd done since. But I've heard little more about any of that outside the basketball task.
Reference: Brisket
I find Steve one of the dullest housemates I have ever seen in Big Brother. I also think he is snidey. Neither do I like the way he will not participate in some discussions, but then will suddenly bark out an order. He's not my cup of tea, and I don't trust him.
Same here Brisket  Also cas somenone please tell me why they call him the Barron?
Reference: RR
No honestly this hasn't, I just dislike him, i do feel he is boring and often snidey and untrustworthy
Ok thanks I just wondered. Judging by comments others have made as well about his lack of a personality  it does seem that his disability (or, more accurately, the fact that he was disabled while  on active service) was a primary reason he was picked.

I am a bit uncomfortable with the level of jingoism that is happening in this country at the moment tbh
*waits to be savaged*
Baz it really annoyed me the way Steve singled Ben out during the 'mattress' cave building thingy..he roared through the better watch it Benny Boy!
I never actually saw that bit Fairfax, but I have seen him join in with the rest of them in having a go... and I didn't really expect that from him, TBH.

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