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It's a shame Nathan made his point so coarsely and aggressively, because it overshadowed the fact that he was right.

Shabby provoked him by shouting at him to effoff, and looked stunned when he barked it back at her. If he could have controlled his potty mouth following that, everyone would have more clearly registered him saying her and Caoimhe are a pair of rainclouds of doom (true), instead of just feck-feck-feck-feck-angrybarsteward..
Agreed Shabby was overbearing with everyone, she tried to rule the roost in there with Keever, and she believed that it was ok to shout, swear and insult people as long as they didn't do it back to her, as soon as Nathan did exactly to her, what she has been doing to others,(Her treatment of Ben is a fine example, she got others to dislike him too) she couldn't handle it, and like a typical bully she backed down and ran crying to BB blaming everyone else but herself. IMO if you behave like that, expect to get it back at some point.

I think you will find that Shabby walked (or stropped) away from many arguments that she had – and either let out her frustration alone or reflected in solitude. After she had argued with Sunshine she spent a long period of time alone – and later returned with a peace offering. A similar situation occurred with Dave and she sat down with him and admitted her behaviour towards him and others had not been good following the eviction of Govan.


As Ify pointed out while looking through the bedroom window; she could see remorse in Shabby – while Caoimhe continued to antagonise. Not the traits of a bully imoâ€Ķ let alone a typical one – whatever that might be.

Cold Sweat
Shabby Shambles wanted to be "the man" of the house....however, Nathan reminded her that, she didn't quite have those "balls" she would've liked everyone to suck on.
Zackerly  She used to walk around channeling Travis Bickle Robert De Niro style and wouldn't listen to any Captain Caveman grunted at her a few times and she shat herself 
I didn't like Shabby at all, I USED to like Nathan, however I took Shabby's side in that exchange. No one can get their point across simply by effing and blinding at someone.
He DID lie about using the word smashing, which I take to mean destroying, not his definition, and he DID (to me) sound intimidating.

And later on he said (to Ife I think) that he didn't lose his temper then - well God help everyone in the house when he does.

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