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Reference: Leccy
There is a video on youtube of Dave pretending to be a wheelchair user "for attention" laughing, thinking the whole thing is hilarious. I cannot even begin to explain how unchristian that is. Encouraging his friends to buy wheelchairs cheaply from ebay to do the same (potentially preventing someone who genuinely needs one accessing one affordably) .....argh just ARGH
Now that bit of info has absolutely stunned me. That is absolutely appalling.
Now that bit of info has absolutely stunned me. That is absolutely appalling
The video begins with Dave in a shopping centre, in his Monks robes being pushed in a wheelchair. He blesses passers by.  Later the vid cuts to Dave preaching, he laughs as he describes how he got attention because he was in the chair.  They all, particularly Dave find this hysterical, he then encourages them all to buy wheelchairs cheaply from ebay or ad-trader for when they go out in public preaching (he says he has bought 3 that week)

Next the video shows him and his mates messing about in the chair and Dave again being pushed about in it...they all think it's the funniest thing ever.
The video begins with Dave in a shopping centre, in his Monks robes being pushed in a wheelchair. He blesses passers by. Later the vid cuts to Dave preaching, he laughs as he describes how he got attention because he was in the chair. They all, particularly Dave find this hysterical, he then encourages them all to buy wheelchairs cheaply from ebay or ad-trader for when they go out in public preaching (he says he has bought 3 that week) Next the video shows him and his mates messing about in the chair and Dave again being pushed about in it...they all think it's the funniest thing ever

Freakin hilarious. That's really angered me.
The video begins with Dave in a shopping centre, in his Monks robes being pushed in a wheelchair. He blesses passers by. Later the vid cuts to Dave preaching, he laughs as he describes how he got attention because he was in the chair. They all, particularly Dave find this hysterical, he then encourages them all to buy wheelchairs cheaply from ebay or ad-trader for when they go out in public preaching (he says he has bought 3 that week) Next the video shows him and his mates messing about in the chair and Dave again being pushed about in it...they all think it's the funniest thing ever.
As disgusting as that is, I'm not surprised. I think he's a complete con artist.
cologne 1
Freakin hilarious. That's really angered me.
I was saddened that not one of his congregation thought to point out it was inappropriate.

As disgusting as that is, I'm not surprised. I think he's a complete con artist.
A total charlatan, I agree.
As a dyed in the wool atheist who makes Mr Dawkins look like a woolly minded god botherer I deliberately tried to look at Dave dispassionately. I have no problem with genuinely good, decent people of faith. Dave is a gimmick wrapped in an ego wrapped in a cheap cassock.
Wow, that for me is the quote of the BB series (so far)
 Liking the "so far". We have weeeks to go. 
If anyone makes me want to be in the BB house Dave does (as Steven Baldwin did last CBB). It's all well and good putting someone like that into the house but you have to balance that with someone who can counter those opinions. I spent weeks spitting over Baldwin's ignorant remark about us being descended from chimpanzees...

**and breathe**
I spent weeks spitting over Baldwin's ignorant remark about us being descended from chimpanzees...
Oh God, me too!

I wanted to storm into the house with a white board and marker pen to just show the ignorant berk how wrong he was.
Reference: squiggle
Yes all that stuff does hurt all those who have genuine beliefs and not this pseudo-religious claptrap peddled by Good 'Ol Dave. They see Dave 'getting drunk on the Lord' loving everyone but finding time to stab his fellow HM's in the back, and being patronising of people with disabilities like Steve and think well if that's Christianity you can keep it
But 'our' version of Christianity is so far removed from its origins, Jesus probably wouldn't recognise it.

Your 'genuine beliefs' sound like they don't include healing the sick, or lame etc. and yet millions of Catholics visit Lourdes hoping for the same miracles they genuinely believe Jesus performed.

Christians are talking in tongues and falling backwards in religious ecstacy all over the planet, but your typical C of Eer will look on them as weirdos, because they don't conform to the 'lovely hymns and lovely flowers, a few readings and a sermon' Christianity.

I'm hoping your conclusion is right, mind you.
But 'our' version of Christianity is so far removed from its origins, Jesus probably wouldn't recognise it. Your 'genuine beliefs' sound like they don't include healing the sick, or lame etc. and yet millions of Catholics visit Lourdes hoping for the same miracles they genuinely believe Jesus performed. Christians are talking in tongues and falling backwards in religious ecstacy all over the planet, but your typical C of Eer will look on them as weirdos, because they don't conform to the 'lovely hymns and lovely flowers, a few readings and a sermon' Christianity.

Senora Reyes
It's just a matter of whatever floats your boat...I happen to prefer 'Thine be the Glory' to a rock anthem. I also prefer an Anglican hour to a Pentecostal 6 hours of worship on a Sunday....but having said that I haven't been to Church in months. I know I am excused 

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