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Gutted actually!. Since surviving on Friday night her odds with some of the bookies had closed in to as low as 16/1 in the To Win market.


We saw on Saturday night that she was feeling alone and left out and considering her future in the house, given that she didn’t feel she had any friends, nor anything in common with the other housemates. This I don’t think was really helped by Caoimhe seemingly dropping her in favour of Ife and Josie.


The events of last night and the dispute between Shabby, Caoimhe and Ife still seem a little unclear even after watching the new C4 videos and reading many accounts of how events unfolded throughout the late evening and into the night. With Shabby feeling an outsider anyway, perhaps she has reached a point where there is no way back for her.


I do wonder if events would have panned out a little differently had Caoimhe gone on Friday night instead of Sunshine.


3 weeks in and 4 of the 7 selected female housemates already gone; it just seems so pointless…

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I am glad she is leaving ( if this is true).
I know you liked her - I don't understand why and I will never understand why but I am sorry that you feel bad about it.
The thing is CS, people say she is entertaining tc... she isn't. Not really. She is a young woman with a huge chip on her shoulder who really is very self centred. 
At times she showed a side that was sensitive but those times were few and far between. It is very worrying that she has such terrific temper tantrums and appears to think that every one should accept these as part of her. Er no, she is an adult and should learn to control her temper.
The house will be a lot quieter but better - there are enough big characters in there to keep it entertaining.
And ( as I have said on other threads) bad behaviour should never be rewarded,
The show is now in it's 10th and final year. Why do these people audition for this, knowing what's in store? They're hardly gonna throw 5 other like-minded Shabby's in (God forbid) - they'll make the selection as diverse as possible. Gets right on my norks cos other people would give their right arm/leg/kidney to be in the last series yet all that ruddy Kevin has done is moan, moan, moan that's it's not like home. Course it isn't you dozy bint And then Shabby gettin the arse over not much in particular. They knew the score going in - so what's their problem? Meh!
I hope she goes, as soon as possible. Sick of the cameras following her storming out of the room after every imagined insult.
Thought it was quite revealing when she complained on last night's HLs about having to live under rules, because she'd never had to at home. That's obvious. Her parents have raised a horror, then sent her out into the world to annoy the rest of us as proof of their useless parental skills. Thanks!
Thought it was quite revealing when she complained on last night's HLs about having to live under rules, because she'd never had to at home. That's obvious. Her parents have raised a horror, then sent her out into the world to annoy the rest of us as proof of their useless parental skills
That was a light bulb moment for me and cleared up a lot of stuff.  I bet she is an only child too.
I am glad she is leaving ( if this is true). I know you liked her - I don't understand why and I will never understand why but I am sorry that you feel bad about it. The thing is CS, people say she is entertaining tc... she isn't. Not really. She is a young woman with a huge chip on her shoulder who really is very self centred. At times she showed a side that was sensitive but those times were few and far between. It is very worrying that she has such terrific temper tantrums and appears to think that every one should accept these as part of her. Er no, she is an adult and should learn to control her temper. The house will be a lot quieter but better - there are enough big characters in there to keep it entertaining. And ( as I have said on other threads) bad behaviour should never be rewarded,

Looking at some of the footage from last night it would seem that everyone threw a tantrum of some description – are you saying that none of them should be rewarded.


The way the house dynamic has evolved we now have The Baron (Steve) as some sort of unofficial HoH and Nathan the kitchen police. Shabby has stated that the bathroom is about the only place that she now feels comfortable. Shabby and Caoimhe walking will be a victory for Nathan and Ife; but do they deserve to be rewarded?


Shabby has many faults from - her overbearing presence that can make people uncomfortable to an unnecessary use of foul language. But despite these I would still prefer her in the house to the radar dodgers and nodding puppy dogs. We saw a perfect example on the HL show last night when she challenged Josie over her attitude towards London – and threw another strop. I’m not suggesting Shabby was in the right – but she is never going to sit in silence or nod like a puppy dog if she disagrees with something.

The dullards and the poker players sit in silence while the likes of Shabby explode and fall to pieces; but it doesn’t make them nicer people, better people, or more deserving of housemate status imo…

Cold Sweat
It worries me how much i dont want her to go
yes, i feel the same.

from what i saw last night, they will def go, there was no big drama about it, they didnt tell anyone, or do the martyr,sobbing act to the hm's.

ife's played a blinder, over reacting, but i am torn, she's managed to rid of caoimhe, which is good, but got shabs too in the cross fire, which is bad.
from what i saw last night, they will def go, there was no big drama about it, they didnt tell anyone, or do the martyr,sobbing act to the hm's.
I wouldn't worry Jacksonb.... I wish it were different....but I don't think they had any intentions of going. At best it was a childish stamping of the foot, at worst a ploy to grab some camera time.
The show is now in it's 10th and final year. Why do these people audition for this, knowing what's in store? They're hardly gonna throw 5 other like-minded Shabby's in (God forbid) - they'll make the selection as diverse as possible. Gets right on my norks cos other people would give their right arm/leg/kidney to be in the last series yet all that ruddy Kevin has done is moan, moan, moan that's it's not like home. Course it isn't you dozy bint And then Shabby gettin the arse over not much in particular. They knew the score going in - so what's their problem? Meh
I’m not so sure that most people can prepare themselves for the intensity of the BB house or can necessarily develop the attributes to adjust under such claustrophobic conditions. Given the footage that Shabby has provided over her 3 weeks as a housemate I don’t think it’s fair to say someone else has been denied an opportunity. Some housemates might not walk – yet might provide hardly any contributions to the narrative across, a potential, 11 week house tenure
Cold Sweat

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