Bullied? Oh FFS - I was wondering when I'd hear THAT old chestnut crop up over here!!!! FGS - has ANYONE in here ever been bullied? I have, and can assure you that Sunstroke being bothered for a few crisps from the starving massive in NO WAY resembles the bullying I endured!
Get a grip! They're ALL allowed to leave at any point. If its too much for her - she knows where the door its! Its the one marked EXIT!
AND before y'all get up on your high hosses, name ONE HM who has never bitched? Go on! Isn't it about time you gave out some facts instead of hyberbole?
There is virtually nothing at all to do in there, and most of us accept that the bitching will become an integral part of their daily lives - its a by-product of abject boredom!
Its only the ones who do it constantly, to everyone, all the time - that get on our nerves!
Like Govan, for instance