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to go but .............what a thoroughly silly mare. I've lind of felt protective and sorry for her somehow but ....................enough is enough IMO. Sunshine was a novelty I'm simply finding her to be a bloody irritating wast of space. Shabby And Keever to go first obviously but then ....................I'm thinking maybe Sunshine. Bit of an odd ball ..........can't think of anything to say in her defence really.

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I don't care what she looks like, I like the wy she sticks to her guns (rightly or wrongly).
But she doesn't! JJ warned her not to throw water on his bed or he'd throw her in the pool. She went ahead and did it really wasn't in anyway violent but ...............she kinda wished she hadn't done it. She's a very silly, immature girl and I really think she's out of her depth. A lot of them have stuck their neck out to defend her but ....................she's her own worst enemy IMO.
Soozy Woo
But she doesn't! JJ warned her not to throw water on his bed or he'd throw her in the pool. She went ahead and did it really wasn't in anyway violent but ...............she kinda wished she hadn't done it. She's a very silly, immature girl and I really think she's out of her depth. A lot of them have stuck their neck out to defend her but ....................she's her own worst enemy IMO.
Spot on! The little girly thing isn't doing it for me either...She'll be asking BB for "Fairy dust" next.
Senora Reyes
Soozy, I still remain that she sticks to her guns. She's a bit out there and, after the conversation I heard yesterday, she knows it, but is professional at work. I can't help liking her. Practically everybody in there with possibly the exception of Steve, Ben and Dave have got it in for her, nominated every week, no wonder her recilience is down. but she is getting on with it an if self affirmation would get them a decent budget, she'd get it.
cologne 1

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