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She has done it again tonight.
The delaying tactics are so obvious. The length of time it takes to roll and smoke a cigarette.
The small talk about nothing.
And yet Mario stays around.
But tonight he kept saying he was tired and wanted to sleep.
But she ignored this.
It could be something as simple as infatuation I suppose (even if he is gay) or just enjoying his company.
But it all strikes me as intrusive and a bit unnatural.
I'm watching her closely.  (And I don't see anything appealing.)
I've been sat in front of a fan for the last 2 days, melting when I venture outside...the idea of wearing a hoodie in these temps is making me feel hotter. I'm not that far from Borehamwood, I'm sure it's hot there too!
Suzy wearing those hoodies all the time is just silly imo....Do they think it makes them look *Cool* whereas anyone accidently coming across BB may well think they've stumbled into an ET remake audition.
I've missed stuff - what is she talking about? I have heard that previously she's had a tendancy to spout self-help book stuff, is it the same kind of thing?
Anything and everything, my eye's and brain glazed over in the end but her first start was trying to make people laugh about Mario's beliefs about UFO's but she just would'nt shut up....
She just seems to speak for the sake of it! Why is she always whispering tho?
Exactly. It is aimless talk.I get an overwhelming impression that very little of it is important and an even bigger impression that it is false. The time she spends with Mario seems to have an ulterior motive to me; it is so artificial.

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