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Everything she does comes over as contrived imo....Her sideways glances to the cameras as if checking if her latest shennanigans were being filmed
And ifes intervention now, to do stuff to make Sunshine look bad cos there are a couple of days left ??? Iffy, Keeva and Shabby need to be gone from there. Wicked witches from the west is a but undefined for them..
Keep Shabby in! She brings intrigue, drama and unpredictability to the house - check out those varied reasons that they all gave for nominating her!
Nope - we are back to what I said the other day. She is not a nice person.Ergo she should not be rewarded but needs to know what the public think of her behaviour.
Sorry but the house will manage just fine without her. For a start we have the pantomine baddy JJ. 
Nope - we are back to what I said the other day. She is not a nice person.Ergo she should not be rewarded but needs to know what the public think of her behaviour. Sorry but the house will manage just fine without her. For a start we have the pantomine baddy JJ

It will be interesting to see what the public decide – given that they decided to boot Rachael over Sunshine and Shabby – even though JJ was picking on her.


Shabby survives = she is a nice person?



Cold Sweat
Reference:Cold Sweat
ope - we are back to what I said the other day. She is not a nice person.Ergo she should not be rewarded but needs to know what the public think of her behaviour. Sorry but the house will manage just fine without her. For a start we have the pantomine baddy JJ

It will be interesting to see what the public decide – given that they decided to boot Rachael over Sunshine and Shabby – even though JJ was picking on her.   Shabby survives = she is a nice person?
No it will mean either BB have manipulated footage to make Sunshine look bad ( as they did with Rachael and as they have done with countless others) OR Keeva will be deemed even more odious than your heroine and she will go first.
That last highlight show before Rachael was evicted was appalllingly slanted against her and Shabby was hardly screened. That was why it was such a big shock.
OR Keeva will be deemed even more odious

Well, we all know what they decided NOT to show of Caoimhe last night. It's interesting reading this forum to see how much more negativity there is towards Shabby than towards Caoimhe.
Well are you surprised? Shabby has been vile, playing up to the cameras from day one. Keeva has only just in the last week or so been displaying her true colours.

What exactly do you want to happen here? Us all to turn around and say "OMG Shabby is wonderful?"
Ain't gonna happen.
What exactly do you want to happen here? Us all to turn around and say "OMG Shabby is wonderful?" Ain't gonna happen
We all have our own opinions and i'm sure we all change them to some extent as the series progresses. For istance, i voted Shabby in the week one eviction contest - but had a change of mind just a couple of days later.
Cold Sweat
Shabby has been vile, playing up to the cameras Which makes Corin and Sunshine vile also with their constant singing and dancing. It's funny really; the cameras are everywhere - but seemingly they capture a popular housemate acting normally - while an unpopular housemate has to be playing up!
Your logic is completely flawed CS. When I said she was vile, I did not mean she was vile in playing up to the cameras,I meant she was acting like a drama queen for the benefit of the cameras. And I still maintain that. Look at the shocking temper tantrum yesterday as a fine example.
Sunshine and Corin by dancing and singing may well be playing to the camera to an extent, but vile they are not.
You appear to be the only one who is trying to justify this behaviour - even trying to compare her to other HM's behaviour and trying to say that they only capture popular housemates acting normally.
Shabby is only filmed acting up all the time because THAT IS WHAT SHE DOES all the time.
She will not be missed and perhaps some of the others will get a word in edge ways.

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